unsigned long Len_mm = 0;void setup(){ //Initialize Serial.begin(9600); //Serial: output result to Serial monitor pinMode(EchoPin, INPUT); //Set EchoPin as input, to receive measure result from US-015 pinMode(TrigPin, OUTPUT); //Set TrigPin as output, used to send high pusle to ...
Serial.begin(9600); //Serial: output result to Serial monitor pinMode(EchoPin, INPUT); //Set EchoPin as input, to receive measure result from US-015 pinMode(TrigPin, OUTPUT); //Set TrigPin as output, used to send high pusle to trig measurement (>10us) } void loop(){ digitalWrite(...
Serial.begin(9600); //Serial: output result to Serial monitor pinMode(EchoPin, INPUT); //Set EchoPin as input, to receive measure result from US-025,US-026 pinMode(TrigPin, OUTPUT); //Set TrigPin as output, used to send high pusle to trig measurement (>10us) } void loop(){ digi...
outputValue = map(sensorValue, 0, 1023, 0, 255); // change the analog out value: analogWrite(analogOutPin, outputValue); // print the results to the serial monitor: Serial.print("sensor = "); Serial.print(sensorValue); Serial.print("\t output = "); Serial.println(outputValue); /...
Arduino开发环境中菜单栏下方的7个按钮依次是Verify(校验)、Stop(停止)、New(新建)、Open(打开)、Save(保存)、Upload(上传)、Serial Monitor(串口监视窗)。各按钮的具体功能如下: Verify(校验),用以完成程序的检查与编译。 Stop(停止),用以停止进行的编译操作。 New(新建),可新建一个程序文件。 Open(打开),打...
DigitalReadSerial- read a switch, print the state out to the Serial Monitor 3、后记 (1)fritzing 电路接线图 今天用 fritzing 绘制的图,上篇多了一个 LED。 不画LED 也可以,使用板载 LED,就是 Arduino 板载上标记为 L 位置的 LED。 白色的 LED 看不太清楚,换了一个红色 LED: ...
Serial.begin(9600);//Allow Serial communication via USB cable to computer (if required)pinMode(RxD, INPUT);//Setup the Arduino to receive INPUT from the bluetooth shield on Digital Pin 6pinMode(TxD, OUTPUT);//Setup the Arduino to send data (OUTPUT) to the bluetooth shield on Digital Pin...
Serial.begin(9600); 然后,初始化数字引脚pin2,因为你要读取按钮的输出,所以这个作为输入引脚: pinMode(2,INPUT_PULLUP); 把作为LED灯的pin13初始化为输出引脚: pinMode(13, OUTPUT); 现在初始化完成了,移入你代码的主循环里。当按钮被按下,5V电压会流过你的电路,而当它没有被按下,这个输入引脚就会链接到...
Voltage = (x * 5.0 )/ 1024.0;// this converts the analog value to corresponding voltage level Serial.print(“Level i = ” ) ; // these serial commands print value of i or level and voltage across wiper Serial.print(i) ; // and gnd on Serial monitor of arduino IDE ...
= SUCCESS) { ModbusError e(err); Serial.printf("Error creating request: %02X - %s\n", (int)e, (const char *)e); } // The output on the Serial Monitor will be (depending on your Modbus the data will be different): // __ OK __ // Response: serverID=1, FC=3, Token=...