电子秤DIY ,stm32f103+ssd1306屏幕+HX711电子秤模块,基于platformio开发,框架使用arduino,后续发源码 1.8万 1 01:44 App ESP32S3 实时音视频豆包大模型 随时可打断对话 2337 0 01:56 App 天问五幺ESP32C3开发板如何 自带128x64 OLED 到手就基于Arduino+PlatformIO开发一个在线时钟 5108 2 00:35 App esp32和...
– KMR-1.8 SPI TFT显示屏(宽160像素,高128像素)– SD卡适配器 重要的提示:不同制造商的...
更多的开发板配置参考:https://github.com/moononournation/Arduino_GFX/wiki/Data-Bus-Class ESP32 GPIO口大全:https://lingshunlab.com/book/esp32/esp32-pinout-reference 配置TFT屏幕 本示例,使用的是ST7789系列240x240分辨率的TFT屏幕,根据接线进行如下配置: /* More display class:*/ Arduino_GFX *gfx =...
2.8"TFT Touch Shield for Arduino w/Capacitive Touch Screen Module US$10.84 2.8 inch 4 Wire Resistive Touch Panel Screen US$1.18 Add to Cart 4.3"TFT LCD Display Module Controller Board w/Serial SPI,I2C,MCU US$34.97 Serial QVGA 2.2"TFT SPI 240x320 LCD Touch Display Module,ILI9341 ...
步骤2:图形测试|| 2.8‘TFT SPI 240 * 320 || KMRTM28028: 步骤3:将具有ILI9341芯片的2.8英寸SPI TFT连接到Arduino Uno。/h2》 ///您需要的是八个1K电阻器。大多数人使用4050 IC。// 步骤4:2.8’TFT SPI 240的图像* 320: 步骤5:草图:
The TFT display communicates with the Arduino via SPI communication, so you need to include the SPI library on your code. We also use the TFT library to write and draw on the display.#include <TFT.h> #include <SPI.h>Then, you need to define the CS, A0 (or DC) and RST pins:...
;// OPTION 2 lets you interface the display using ANY TWO or THREE PINS,// tradeoff being that performance is not as fast as hardware SPI above.//#define TFT_MOSI 11 // Data out//#define TFT_SCLK 13 // Clock out// For ST7735-based displays, we will use this call//Adafruit_ST...
To upload your project to the Next display, follow the next steps:1. Click the Compile button in the main menu;2. Insert the microSD card on your computer;3. Go to File > Open Build Folder;4. Copy the .TFT file corresponding to the file you’re currently working;...
【arduino】求..从淘宝买了一个2.2寸 240*320的TFT屏,根据卖家资料好像是ILI9341的。于是网上找arduino的库来测试,试过几个库后发现还是没法驱动。想问下有没有摆弄过这个屏的求助下。谢谢大家!实物