int state_bt=1; int relPin; int stare=0; byte COD[10]; byte AUX[10]; int k=0; String codacces="*123456#"; String ; //nfc #define RST_PIN 9 // Configurable, see typical pin layout above #define SS_PIN 10 // Configurable, see typical pin layout above MFRC522 mfrc522(SS_PI...
If your circuit contains the display, you need to connect it to the Arduino board according to the model and pin layout of the display. For example, if you are using the LCD display, you may need to connect it to several digital pins and analog pins of Arduino. LCD的VSS>GNDL...
4、程序代码 此处测试的Arduino型号是Arduino Nano V3.0,其他型号请结合上表修改引脚号。 示例代码读取UID,并将其分别以十进制和十六进制输出到串口,简化版如下: #include<SPI.h>#include<MFRC522.h>#define SS_PIN 10 #define RST_PIN 9 MFRC522 rfid(SS_PIN, RST_PIN); //实例化类 // 初始化数组用...
The Arduino UNO pin layout is organized into distinct categories, including Power Pins, Digital Pins, Analog Pins, and Special Function Pins. Each category plays a specific role in enabling the functionality of the board. The Arduino UNO pinouts available under each category is shown in the image...
此处测试的Arduino型号是Arduino Nano V3.0,其他型号请结合上表修改引脚号。 示例代码读取UID,并将其分别以十进制和十六进制输出到串口,简化版如下: #include <SPI.h> #include <MFRC522.h> #define SS_PIN 10 #define RST_PIN 9 MFRC522 rfid(SS_PIN, RST_PIN); //实例化类 ...
Shown here in clockwise order from the lower left are a Duemilanove, a Leonardo, a clone Mega2560 with an extended I/O pin layout from SainSmart, and an official Arduino Mega2560, with an Arduino Nano sitting in the center. Figure 4-3. Comparison of Arduino and clone boards Full-Size Base...
() 步驟3-韌體程式設計開發_程式語法 步驟4-程式燒錄裝置功能測試 程式燒錄 程式燒錄結果- No Error Arduino Nano 平台 開箱測試 Arduino Nano 平台開箱測試步驟 步驟1:將arduino-1.6.10資料夾複製到電腦 步驟2: 使用USB線將IoTNanoKIT連接到PC電腦 步驟3:開啟A,點選[File-Examples],載入[01.Basics-Blink/Fade...
利用pinMode()、digitalWrite()和digitalRead()功能,Uno上的14个数字引脚都可用作输入或输出。它们的工作电压为5V。每个引脚都可以提供或接受最高40 mA的电流,都有1个20-50 kΩ的内部上拉电阻器(默认情况下断开)。此外,某些引脚还具有特殊功能:· 串口:0(RX)和1(TX)。用于接收(RX)和发送(TX)TTL串口数据。
在这里,我使用的是 Arduino Nano 33 IOT,它的 Vin 引脚可以承受 12V 的电压。并非所有板都如此。如果我直接连接这个 12 V,它可能会烧坏芯片。因此,如果您愿意,您可以使用稳压器将电压降至 5V,然后再将其馈送到 Arduino。现在我们来看看软件部分 第3 步 - 创建 PCB 布局 接下来,设计PCB。PCB Layout实际上...
The Nano 33 BLE / Nano 33 BLE Sense is designed as an improved version of the Arduino Nano / Nano Every, featuring the same pin layout to make it nice and easy for DIYers. Both boards have a 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4 CPU running at 64MHz built into their nRF52840 chips, with 1MB of...