The Icarus is a cost-effective cellular IoT board built around Nordic Semi's nRF9160 modem and combines LTE-M, NB-IoT, GPS, accelerometer, USB, LiPo charger, as well as an eSIM with free data out of the box and a nano SIM connector. Control, monitor, and keep track of any asset, ...
Thanks to [Nick Bild], there is, in the form of the“Schematic-o-matic”, which aims to automate the breadboard documentation process. The trick is using a breadboard where each bus bar is connected to an IO pin on an Arduino Due. A program runs through each point on the breadboard, ...
Enabled SMS to be sent to MASTER USER when power is restored to device. I am using an Arduino Uno with a programming shield to program the unit. For more information on how to use an Arduino Uno as a programmer, refer to this Instructable: Arduino UNO As AtMega328P Programmer The GSM ...
2 Solenoids keeping the shutter curtains in place Based on this diagram of the electrical functionality of the system I connected the shutter through the test points to the InfineonTLE94112LEArduino Shield. I extracted some of the information from the datasheet to show that this is a sophisticate...
In this Arduino Tutorial we will learn how to control a Stepper Motor using the A4988 Stepper Driver. The A4988 is a microstepping driver for controlling bipolar stepper motors which has built-in translator for easy operation. This means that we can cont