Arduino Nano R3×1个 MP3-TF-16P迷你mp3播放器×1个 1K和3个100Ω电阻器×1个 RGBLED灯泡×1个 1.3英寸OLED显示屏×1个 3个开关按钮×1个 跳线×1个 面包板×1个 该项目可以读取SD卡中的MP3文件,并且可以暂停播放10年前的设备。还有切换前一首歌和下一首歌的功能。
circuit_diagram_U8SRYsuZXD.jpg 共3个文件 立即下载 [相关器件] RAA210130 Digital DC/DC PMBus 30A Module 数据手册今天,我们将使用Arduino和DFPlayer迷你MP3播放器模块制作带有LCD的MP3播放器。 硬件组件: Arduino Nano R3×1个 MP3-TF-16P迷你mp3播放器×1个 1K和3个100Ω电阻器×1个 RGB LED灯泡×...
Circuit Diagram.rar 共3个文件 [相关器件] DS275S+ 信号/线路驱动器&接收器,DS275 Line-Powered RS-232 Transceiver Chip 数据手册 大家好,在本教程中,我将向您展示如何在家制作DIYArduino游戏杆控制的汽车。因此,让我们开始吧:) 零件清单: 1)Arduino Nano(2x) ...
D13 - Nano D13 - Pro D13 - Pro Mini D13 - UNO D13 - Yún D13 - Zero If you want to lit an external LED with this sketch, you need to build thiscircuit, where you connect one end of the resistor to the digital pin correspondent to theLED_BUILTINconstant. Connect the long leg...
op-amp 3d-printing amplifier 3d-models circuit-diagrams loadcell block-diagram load-cell strain-gauge impedance-control weight-scale rescale arduinonano analog-to-digital-converter ad-converter wheatstone-bridge weight-measurement weat-stone Updated Oct 27, 2021 C++ pedro-ibs / USART_V2 Star 0 ...
Bluetooth® LE, debugging via native USB in the Arduino IDE as well as low power.The Nano ESP32 is compatible with the Arduino IoT Cloud, and has support for MicroPython. It is an ideal board for getting started with IoT development.Target areas:Maker, Debugging, IoT, MicroPython ...
3. Arduino circuit soldering Using either the custom PCB or manual wiring, connect the HM-10, DS3231 RTC and the Arduino nano together. If using manual wiring follow thecircuit diagramensuring the correct resistors are included. The custom PCB will save a lot of time and add more stability ...
Complete circuit diagram Explanation Arduino Programming and finally Testing Without any further delay let’s get started!!! Amazon Links: Arduino Nano USB-C Type (Recommended) MAX6675 k type thermocouple and driver: SSD1306 128×64 Oled i2c display Module ...
The Arduino Nano is open-source hardware! You can download the schematics for this board here:Arduino Nano Schematics.pdfThe Fritzing model of the Arduino Nano can be found here:Arduino Nano.fzpzArduino Nano pinoutThe pinout of the Arduino Nano can be found in the diagram below:...
This scope is using aruino uno (I built my with arduino nano) and reaching150Ksps with 5V voltage swing. The problems with the tutorial are: Its explaining allot of the software and a general knowledge on how a scope trigger works, ...