I2C与SPI相比,I2C只有两根线,SPI使用四根线,I2C可以有多个主从,而SPI只能有一个主和多个从。因此,在一个项目中有多个微控制器需要成为主控,然后使用 I2C。I2C通信一般用于与陀螺仪、加速度计、气压传感器、LED显示屏等进行通信。 在这个Arduino I2C 教程中,我们将使用两个 arduino 板之间的 I2C 通信,并使用电位...
SPI Master with Multiple Slaves SPI protocol allows you to have multiple SPI devices sharing the same MOSI, MISO, and CLK lines of the Master. As you can observe in the above diagram, there are three slaves in which the MOSI, MISO, SCK are commonly connected to the Master, and the CS ...
* selecting a chip then transferring data * + If there are multiple spi_device children, the i/o queue * arbitration algorithm is unspecified (round robin, fifo, * priority, reservations, preemption, etc) * * + Chipselect stays active during the entire message * (unless modified by spi_tra...
{ display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C);// here the 0x3c is the I2C address, check your i2c address if u have multiple devices. display.clearDisplay(); delay(2000); } voidloop() { display.drawBitmap(0, 0, myBitmap, 128, 64, WHITE); display.display(); } 烧录到 Arduino 上...
display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C);// here the 0x3c is the I2C address, check your i2c address if u have multiple devices. display.clearDisplay(); delay(2000); } voidloop() { display.drawBitmap(0, 0, myBitmap, 128, 64, WHITE); ...
I2C has the advantage that it only needs two signal connections to Arduino—using multiple devices on the two connections is fairly easy, and you get acknowledgment that signals have been correctly received. The disadvantages are that the data rate is slower than SPI and data can only be travel...
Arduino语言是建立在C/C++基础上的,其基础是C语言,Arduino语言只不过把AVR单片机(微控制器)相关的一些参数设置都函数化,不用我们去了解他的底层,让不了解AVR单片机(微控制器)的朋友也能轻松上手。 基础C语言 关键字: if 条件选择语句 if...else 条件选择语句 ...
309-DS18b20-multiple meta febb Feb 18, 2020 310-effetto-fiamma meta febb Feb 18, 2020 311-SplitString meta febb Feb 18, 2020 312-GasSensor-MQ5 meta febb Feb 18, 2020 313-BMP280 meta febb Feb 18, 2020 314-arduino-modbus-slave-rs485/simple_slave fix nnet Apr 16, 2020 ...
SPI is another protocol based on a master-slaves architecture. You can use it to connect your Arduino board to multiple devices. Note that the communication speed is faster than for I2C and UART, but it’s not suitable for mid-long distance communication (more than a few centimeters for the...