这个项目是一个语音控制机器人,使用Arduino L293d屏蔽,HC-05蓝牙模块和MIT应用程序发明家的Android应用程序 6次下载 2022-12-02 8.67 MB 丛_海陽 下载资料 Arduino控制的Delta机器人 电子发烧友网站提供《Arduino控制的Delta机器人.zip》资料免费下载 6次下载 2023-07-05 14.13 MB nileitianwan 下载资料 什么...
Arduino是硬件和软件的有机结合,因此充分理解这两个领域及其交叉领域的知识很重要。本章考察Arduino硬件的总体概况,对某些部分做些细致的研究,另外也会涉及它的历史,并就读者如何影响它将来的发展给出建议。 1.1 什么是Arduino 由于Arduino已经有了一些年头,而且经历了一些升级换代,如今能够称作Arduino的电路板已经很多了...
Keyestudio for Arduino CNC Kit / CNC Shield V3.0 + for Uno R3+4pcs a4988 driver / GRBL compatible $16.20 - $18.00 Min. order: 2 sets keyestudio bt-24 Wireless Bluetooths Module RS232 / TTL to UART converter for Arduino $1.99 - $2.99 ...
Modular structure: PVC and aluminium frame in order to support all the hydroponic system. Electronic circuit: main control of the digital "brain" of our system Sensors/actuators: measure and control all the data and parameters of our system. The device allows to control the state of the plants...
David A. Mellis. I'm a graduate student in the High-Low Tech. Group at the MIT Media Lab. And the lead software developer for Arduino. An open-source electronics prototyping platform. My Interaction-Ivrea master's thesis. Exploring tools and techniques for visualizing and understanding software...
MINI V 4.0 Wireless Data Transmission GSM GPRS Board Kit mit Antenna Cable SIM900 Module für Arduino 20,25 € - 20,91 € Mindestmenge: 5 Stück Vsl. Lieferung bis 24. Dez. Easy Return Voltage Detection Module Voltage Sensor Electronic Building...