Screw Shield V2研究终端扩展板 用于arduinoUNO R3 接线柱端子 深圳市创捷思电子有限公司10年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 广东 深圳市福田区 ¥5.00成交20PCS CNC Shield V3 雕刻机 3D打印机 A4988驱动扩展板 适用于Arduino 广州翰禹电子商务有限公司4年
Proto Screw Shield V1.0 Assembled接线柱原型扩展板 For UNO R3 深圳市新航业科技有限公司4年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 广东 深圳市 ¥4.20 MEGA ProtoShield V3 原型扩展板 万用板(含面包板) 兼容Arduino 深圳市彬雄电子有限公司5年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 ...
阿里巴巴Shield W5100网络扩展板 SD卡扩展适用于Arduino开发板 Mega 2560,电子模块,这里云集了众多的供应商,采购商,制造商。这是Shield W5100网络扩展板 SD卡扩展适用于Arduino开发板 Mega 2560的详细页面。品牌:XHY,适用产品:SD卡扩展 支持MEGA,规格:Ethernet W5100
With this Ethernet Shield, with for arduino board can be used to connect to internet.Can be used as server or client.Directly plug puzzle board, no soldering required.Controller: W5100.This is the latest version of the Ethernet Shield.This For for arduino Ethernet Shield which is based on ...
Prototype Screw/Terminal Block Shield Board Kit For ArduinoMEGA-2560 R3. The Kit includePrototype PCB, Terminal Blocks, Female Header Sockets.Unassembled, variety mount methods, you can make flexible use. PCB: FR-4 fiber glass PCB, dual copper layers, size 120mm x 78mm. Pads grid / pitch...
Prototype Screw/Terminal Block Shield Board Kit For ArduinoMEGA-2560 R3. The Kit includePrototype PCB, Terminal Blocks, Female Header Sockets. Unassembled, variety mount methods, you can make flexible use. PCB: FR-4 fiber glass PCB, dual copper layers, size 120mm x 78mm. ...
The screw terminal marked GND goes to the IC GND pin (5), and also to the board's GND line (i.e. the Arduino's 0V rail). The chip's DI (Data Input?) pin (4) is connected to the Arduino's Digital Pin 1 (TX). The chip's RO (Data Output?) pin (1) is connected to th...
After solder the pin headers of 2.54mm pitch on the through-holes of PCB, you can seamlessly plug it into MEGA 2560 controllers. It also comes with four 3mm fixed holes for you to tightly mount it. For easy use, you can directly solder other components o...
Sensor Shield V5.0适用于Uno,Mega 2560和类似外形的Arduino板,并提供了一种方便的方法来连接传感器和其他外围设备,例如伺服电机。
KEYES兼容UNO-R3/MEGA-2560开发板入门传感器学习套件适用arduino 深圳市佳明丰电子经营部15年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 广东 深圳市 ¥66.26 Mega2560WiFi R3 USB-TTL CH340G ATMEGA2560兼容Arduino开发板 深圳市芯东盛电子有限公司2年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 ...