This is a WS2812 RGB LED control module based on ESP-01/01S. With it, you can easily control the WS2812 light strip/light ring. DIY own lighting control system. Features: * Main control: ESP-01/ESP-01S (This module does not include ESP-01/ESP-01S) * Interface: 3Pin PH2.0 connecto...
This is a WS2812 RGB LED control module based on ESP-01/01S. With it, you can easily control the WS2812 light strip/light ring. DIY own lighting control system. Features: * Main control: ESP-01/ESP-01S (This module does not include ESP-01/ESP-01S) ...
Arduino使用neopixel卡住控制ledstrip 、、、 我试着用我的pi 3控制一个rgb ws2812b led条带,效果很好。现在我想用我的ArduinoNano来做这件事。控件本身是有效的。如果我将一些代码放入循环函数中,一切都会正常工作。代码如下:#define shortStrip 2#define led_count_short23 Adafruit_NeoPixelstrip_short 浏览...
名称:LightStripPolicy 行动: * 资源: * 效果- 允许:选中 点击“创建” 现在我们可以创建 IoTThing了。 选择Manage>Things菜单并通过单击Register a Thing按钮(或右上角的Create按钮)然后单击Create a single thing创建一个新的 AWS IoT Thing。 在名称字段中键入“LS01”。保留其他字段的默认值并单击下一步。
来源: Gus:用眼睛告诉你房间健康状况的智能机器人 Gus是一款智能小机器人,它让空气质量、温度和湿度的监测变得有趣且直观。 Gus会用它那双生动的眼睛来显示房间的健康状况:如果空气质量不好、温度过高或过低、湿度不合适,Gus的...
来源: Gus:用眼睛告诉你房间健康状况的智能机器人 Gus是一款智能小机器人,它让空气质量、温度和湿度的监测变得有趣且直观。 Gus会用它那双生动的眼睛来显示房间的健康状况:如果空气质量不好、温度过高或过低、湿度不合适,Gus的...
FastLED.addLeds<LED_TYPE, LED_PIN, COLOR_ORDER>(leds, NUM_LEDS).setCorrection( TypicalLEDStrip ); FastLED.setBrightness (33); fill_solid(leds, NUM_LEDS, CRGB::Black);; // TIMSK0 = 0; // turn off timer0 for lower jitter ...
With its compact size and lightweight build, it is easy to integrate into various projects. Whether you're working on an Arduino code for an 8x32 LED matrix or creating a custom RGB programmable LED strip, this module is a perfect fit. The round LED ring board is not only aesthetically ...
ws2812b ledstrip = ws2812b(DIGITALPINNUMBER , NUM_LEDS); 初始化 ws2812b。构造Ameba 信号输出引脚和 ws2812b LED 的数量。 ledstrip.begin(); ws2812b 开始运行。 ledstrip.setPixelColor(5,0,10,0); light up No.5 LED as green ledstrip.setPixelColor(2,0,0,10); light up No.2 LED as...