LCD 1602 I2c Module Blue Light Black Board Module for Arduino, Find Details and Price about LCD1602 Display for Arduino from LCD 1602 I2c Module Blue Light Black Board Module for Arduino - Shenzhen Ke Zhi You Technology Co., Ltd.
到下载最新的library并安装 #include <Wire.h>#include<LCD.h>#include<LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,2,1,0,4,5,6,7);//0x27 is the I2C bus address for an unmodified backpackvoidsetup() {//activate LCD modulelcd...
Model Number LCD1602 Origin Mainland ChinaDescriptionReport Item The standard 16X2 LCD character module (backlit / blue screen)1602 using a standard 16-pin interface, including:1 foot: VSS ground power2 feet: VDD of 5V positive powerPin 3: V0 LCD display contrast adjustment end connected to th...
Whether you're working on a home automation system, a robotic project, or a data monitoring device, the 1602 LCD module's crisp display and reliable performance will ensure that your project stands out. **Effortless Integration and Customization** The DIYUSER LCD1602 module is not only easy ...
本课题内容本课题是制作一套基于Arduino单片机的电子锁系统,总共使用的电子器件包括如下:按键开关一个,蜂鸣器一个,可变电阻一个,LCD1602显示屏一个,4x4矩阵键盘一个,面包板一个杜邦线若干,Arduino Uno原厂开发板一个。目前大多数的电子密码锁都是使用键盘作为输入密码,密码作为验证凭证,整个单片机系统只有一个密码,无...
Wiki:// Schematic: // Arduino I2C 1602 LCD Library: // Sample code: ...
想弄DHT22和彩色背光LCD1602的实时温湿度检测器,结果发现DHT22的有关文档总是错误,无法读取DHT的温湿度值,就想去库文件里找找解法,但是这段看不懂啊。。。初学者请多多指教。 --- class DHT { public: DHT(uint8_t pin, uint8_t type, uint8_t count=6); void begin...
没接对线?芯片是ESP32-D0WD 外壳是ESP WROOM 32D 用的是arduino IDE 2.2.1 开发板选的是 esp32 dev module 按 en 和 boot 可以进入下载模式: rst:0x1 (POWERON_RESET),boot:0x3 (DOWNLOAD_BOOT(UART0/UART1/SDIO_REI_REO_V2)) waiting for download 也可以正常刷写程序,但是就一直打印下面这些文字...
Digital Buzzer Module x1 Digital Push Button x1 USB Cable A-B for Arduino x1 Bluno Bee - Turn Arduino to a Bluetooth 4.0 (BLE) Ready Board x1 I2C LCD1602 Arduino LCD Display Module (Gray) x1 LM35 Linear Temperature x1 URM10 Ultrasonic Sensor x1 WiFi IoT Module x1 DHT11 Tempe...
LCD1602 with I2C to show countdown Graphene Titanium wire electronic lock 12V Wireless charging module 12V DC Power Supply USB-C PD 12V Trigger Board Wooden box enclosure (not included in this repo) Schema and Parts The schema can be found in the assets folder, which is generated by EasyEDA...