The Arduino also has the SPI Library for communicating over the SPI bus, you’ll need that to talk to your SD or microSD card module. Arduino Example Sketches The Arduino SD Library has a number of example sketches included with it, and they are great for learning how to work with an ...
1602 16x2 Character LCD Display Module Read/Write to SD card Set Up a Keypad on an Arduino Bluetooth
Great Tutorial. As you say Esp32 supports Classic Bluetooth too, but there are not many tutorials about it. There are some profiles in BT that do not have a BLE equivalent, like SPP or A2DP. I’m developing a Classic BT scanner library for Esp32 and Arduino IDE. I’ve got some good...
CAN-Bus Shield- This allows your Arduino to talk to your car or other CAN application. It also has a µSD slot to log data and has connectors for a GPS connection and LCD to log and report data. Check out theHookup Guidefor more info and example code to get started. ...
Additionally, we can useSD Card module for storing the data onto Micro SD card. Difficulty:Intermediate Link:Arduino Wireless Weather Station Project Motors Control Arduino Projects Controlling motors using Arduino is actually quite easy, and there are some many interesting projects with can make wit...
3.5 inch TFT LCD Display:Features a 3.5 inch TFT LCD with 400x240 resolution, ideal for clear visuals and easy readability. Comprehensive Accessories:Includes a 9cm touch pen and Micro SD card adapter module for enhanced functionality and ease of use. Resistive Touch Screen:Equipped with a resist...
Arduino Tutorial: HX711 Load Cell Amplifier (Weight Sensor Module) + LCM1602 IIC V1 LCD December 4, 2017 Arduino-Tutorial: How to use the RDM630/RDM6300 RFID reader January 5, 2018 How to use the “MicroSD Card Adapter” with the Arduino Uno ...
Arduino Car Display: I built an on-board diagnostics (OBD-II) based display using a 7" TFT LCD from Adafruit, a Teensy 3.6, the Freematics OBD-II I2C Adapter, and some cheep backup sensors I found on Amazon. The display has two pages: one for when my Hon
2.2 Inch TFT LCD Display Module Touch Screen Shield + ATmega328P Board Kit with USB cable TF Card / Pen Compatible for ArduinoUSD 17.82/piece Easy Plug 4WD Smart Car X Kit Serial Bluetooth-compatible Control Rubber Wheel Gear Motor w/ Tutorial for Nano Board for ArduinoUSD 32.33/piece ...
It works great and displays data on a LCD display, and saves the data to an SD card. I can connect to the IP address of my board from any computer or phone in the house and see the values. I sent the IP address to a friend who lives about a mile away. He said he got this ...