// Display static text display.println("Hello, world!"); display.display(); } void loop() { } 上传代码后,您将在 OLED 中获得以下内容: 让我们快速了解一下代码是如何工作的。 导入库 首先,您需要导入必要的库。使用 I2C 的 Wire 库和用于写入显示器的 Adafruit 库:Adafruit_GFX 和 Adafruit_SSD...
lcd.setCursor(int column, int row): sets the cursor to the specified column and row lcd.print(String message): displays the message on the display lcd.clear(): clears the display This example works well to display static text no longer than 16 characters. Display Scrolling Text on the LCD...
but the same code and concepts work for other Arduino development boards also. Firstly,16×2 LCDinterfacing with Arduino will be discussed. After that, we will also provide examples of 16×4 LCD and I2C LCD interfacing with Arduino.
Thecursor()function is used for displaying underscore cursor and thenoCursor()function for turning off. Using theclear()function we can clear the LCD screen. lcd.clear();// Clears the LCD screenCode language:Arduino(arduino) Scrolling text example on 16×2 LCD and Arduino ...
How to control a character I2C LCD with Arduino Supplies Software Arduino IDE Makerguides.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to products on ...
Arduino - LCD Arduino - LCD I2C Arduino - LCD 20x4 Arduino - OLED Arduino - TFT LCD Display Arduino - Button Count - OLED Arduino - Button Count - LCD Arduino - 74HC595 4-Digit 7-Segment Display Arduino - TM1637 4-Digit 7-Segment Display Arduino - LED Matrix Arduino - Bluetooth LED ...
Arduino Code with Basic Text and Graphics Functions Once the connections are ready you can start programming the Arduino. Whether we use I2C or SPI interface for the OLED display, the code is almost the same. Let's start with installing the necessary libraries. For this tutorial, we will nee...
任意门:Arduino 和LCD1602液晶屏 I2C接口实验 实验效果 BOM表 Arduino Uno *1 OLED 128*64 *1 跳线若干 针脚说明 VCC 接3.3v电源 GND 接地(GND) SCL 时钟线 SDA 数据线 接线图 程序开源代码 在上代码之前,先下载两个库分别是 Adafruit SSD1306 Library: ...
OLED显示屏比LCD更轻薄、亮度高、功耗低、响应快、清晰度高、柔性好、发光效率高,能满足消费者对显示技术的新需求。全球越来越多的显示器厂家纷纷投入研发,大大的推动了OLED的产业化进程。 0.91寸OLED液晶屏显示模块参数 驱动芯片:SSD1306 支持接口:I2C 显示颜色:白色...