2、数字输入上拉 DigitalInputPullup - 输出上拉串口 InputPullupSerial This example demonstrates the use of INPUT_PULLUP with pinMode(). It monitors the state of a switch by establishingserial communicationbetween your Arduino and your computer over USB. 本例演示如何使用 pinMode 和 INPUT_PULLUP。
http://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/InputPullupSerial This example code is in the public domain */ void setup() { //start serial connection Serial.begin(9600); //configure pin2 as an input and enable the internal pull-up resistor pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(13, OUTPUT); } void...
http://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/InputPullupSerial This example code is in the public domain */ void setup() { //start serial connection Serial.begin(9600); //configure pin2 as an input and enable the internal pull-up resistor pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(13, OUTPUT); } void...
Arduino 微控制器自带内部上拉电阻。如果你需要使用该内部上拉电阻,可以通过pinMode()将引脚设置为输入上拉(INPUT_PULLUP)模式。 注意:当Arduino引脚设置为输入(INPUT)模式或者输入上拉(INPUT_PULLUP)模式,请勿将该引脚与负压或者高于5V的电压相连,否则可能会损坏Arduino控制器。 获得更多关于如何设置Arduino引脚为输入...
This package contains the files needed for adding an INPUT_PULLUP block to the Simulink library browser. Add the path and update the library to access the block. See ArduinoDigitalReadPullUpExample.slx for an example on using the block. Also see Arduino's documentation on pinmode() ...
pinMode(BUTTON_PIN, INPUT);, you’ll get: Great! Now the default value when the button is not pressed is LOW. And in this example when I pressed the button the state rose to HIGH. Conclusion – Arduino INPUT_PULLUP recap In this tutorial you’ve seen how to properly use pull up an...
2024.3.5 esp8266开发学习_arduino常用函数 pinMode函数 引脚模式选择,模式有INPUT(输入), OUTPUT(输出), INPUT_PULLUP(上拉输入,自动拉高电平) //GPIO FUNCTIONS #define INPUT 0x00 //输入 #define
{delay(1000);lcd.begin(16,2);Serial.begin(9600);pinMode(enroll, INPUT_PULLUP);pinMode(up, INPUT_PULLUP);pinMode(down, INPUT_PULLUP);pinMode(del, INPUT_PULLUP);pinMode(match, INPUT_PULLUP);pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT);pinMode(indFinger, OUTPUT);digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW);if(digitalRead(en...
[0] <= 0xe0)){Serial.write(pev->data[0] | pev->channel);Serial.write(&pev->data[1], pev->size-1);}else{Serial.write(pev->data, pev->size);}}void setup() {pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP); // use builtinpullup resistor with push buttonpinMode(ledPin,OUTPUT);digitalWrite(...
3、示例 void setup() { // 初始化日志打印串口 Serial.begin(115200); // 配置中断引脚 pinMode(26, INPUT|PULLUP ); // 检测到引脚 26 下降沿,触发中断函数 blink attachInterrupt(26, blink, FALLING); Serial.println("\nstart irq test"); ...