一个 if 语句后面可以跟随一个可选的else语句,当表达式为false时执行。If … else if … else 语句if 语句后面可以跟随一个可选的 else if ... else 语句,其对于测试各种条件非常有用。switch case 语句类似于if语句, switch ... case 通过允许程序员指定应在各种条件下执行的不同代码来控制程序的流程。
// Read button - Debounce if (digitalRead(button) == true) { pressed = !pressed; } while (digitalRead(button) == true); delay(20); // If button is pressed - change rotation direction if (pressed == true & rotDirection == 0) { digitalWrite(in1, HIGH); digitalWrite(in2, LOW); ...
If the switch on DP2 is open it returns 0 or false - thus "else" is executed and LED1 is turned OFF. LED1 is only ON while S1 is pressed by returning a 1 when called. void loop() { delay(100); if ( S1() ) digitalWrite(LED1, 1); if ( S2() ) digitalWrite(LED1, 0); ...
void loop(){if(mySwitch.available()) {intvalue = mySwitch.getReceivedValue();if(value==0) {Serial.print("Unknown encoding"); }else{Serial.print("Received ");Serial.print( mySwitch.getReceivedValue());Serial.print(" / ");Serial.print( mySwitch.getReceivedBitlength());Serial.print("bi...
else if (strMotorType == "E") { BM[intMotorNo - 1].begin(); } } // Motor.Move void MOTOR::Move(int intMotorNo, int intDir, int intSpeed) { // Calculate Final Direction of this Motor int intFinalDir = gintDir * intDir; ...
}else if( c =='R'&& role == 1 ){//接受模式 Serial.println(F("*** CHANGING TO RECEIVE ROLE -- PRESS 'T' TO SWITCH BACK")); role = 0; radio.startListening(); } } }// Loop 五、参考URL 详细参考(英语): http://arduino-info.wikispaces.com/Nrf24L01-2.4GHz-HowTo ...
{intuser=0,eepLoc=0;if(id==1) { eepLoc=0; user=user1++; }elseif(id==2) { eepLoc=210; user=user2++; }elseif(id==3) ... ... ... 给定功能用于从EEPROM获取数据并发送到串行监视器 voiddownload(inteepIndex) {if(EEPROM.read(eepIndex) !=0xff) { Serial...
{if ((pev->data[0] >= 0x80) && (pev->data[0] <= 0xe0)){Serial.write(pev->data[0] | pev->channel);Serial.write(&pev->data[1], pev->size-1);}else{Serial.write(pev->data, pev->size);}}void setup() {pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP); // use builtinpullup resistor ...
这里就直接放上max7219.h、max7219.cpp文件。另存后压缩为压缩包,再进行库文件的安装。 【另存为:max7219.h】 #ifndef max7219_h#define max7219_h#if (ARDUINO >= 100)#include<Arduino.h>#else#include<WProgram.h>#endif//MAX7219#define REG_DECODE 0x09#define REG_INTENSITY 0x0a#define REG_SCAN_LIMI...
c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when run, you must cause it, when started running for such interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a notice that there is no warranty (or else, ...