一个称为串口绘图仪(Serial Plotter)的工具。在最新版的Arduino IDE开发环境中都带有这个新工具。
begin(9600); } void loop() { int y1 = analogRead(A0); Serial.println(y1); delay(100); } Quick Steps Copy the above code and open with Arduino IDE Click Upload button on Arduino IDE to upload code to Arduino Open Serial Plotter Select baurate 9600 See graph on Serial Plotter...
Arduino本身带有串口调试工具,可以显示数据和绘图,但是存在数据无法保存的问题。经查询,在网上发现了一款简单好用的arduino串口绘图工具 better serial plotter,下载地址为:https://hackaday.io/project/181686-better-serial-plotter。下载后解压后,直接打开即可。使用该工具需注意:1.在arduino程序中,每个数据间不要用逗...
How to Open the Serial Plotter Go to your Arduino IDE, select “Tools” and from the drop-down menu open “Serial Plotter” (see Figure below). Demonstration In this project the Arduino is measuring the temperature in degree Celsius (°C) and printing those readings into the Arduino Serial ...
格瑞图:Arduino-0001-安装 Arduino IDE 1.8.19 格瑞图:Arduino-0002-内置示例-模拟读 Analog Read Serial 格瑞图:Arduino-0003-内置示例-最简化代码 Bare Minimum 格瑞图:Arduino-0004-内置示例-闪烁 Blink 格瑞图:Arduino-0005-内置示例-数字串口读取 Digital Read Serial ...
The serial plotter in the Arduino IDE does a fine job plotting one or several Y-axis values along the millisecond X-axis. I guess it could be a simple thing to do to include the possibility to plot an XY-chart of two values. Simplest mode: just read two values from one line from ...
Create the index.h file On Arduino IDE by: Either click on the button just below the serial monitor icon and choose New Tab, or use Ctrl+Shift+N keys. Give file's name index.h and click OK button Copy the below code and paste it to the index.h. /* * Created by ArduinoGet...
// used by the Serial Plotter App to interpolate the chart interpolate: boolean; // the theme the user choosed darkTheme: boolean; // the current websocket port where the communication happens wsPort: number; // the port the pluggable monitor in the middleware is connected to serialPort: ...
Interface scale allows you to change the size of the interface and may be useful for those with 4K monitors. There are four themes that you can use with the new Arduino IDE 2.0. The default theme is theDark Theiatheme, there are also two light themes and another dark high-contrast theme...
/* This example reads audio data from an InvenSense ICS-43432 I2S microphone breakout board, and prints out the amplitude to the Serial Monitor. The Serial Plotter built into the Arduino IDE (Tools -> Serial Plotter) can be used to plot the audio amplitude data. Circuit: * Arduino Zero, ...