Name=ArduinoIDE2.0.0 Icon=/opt/arduino/latest/ide-logo.png Exec=/opt/arduino/latest/arduino-ide Comment=The ArduinoSoftware IDE Categories=Development;IDE; Terminal=false 注意里面的 ide-logo.png 不是现成的, 我在安装目录里找了几个, 最后用的是这个路径的图片 [arduino install path]/resources/app...
// 提取天气图标的URL int startIndex = payload.indexOf("\"icon\":\"") + 8; int endIndex = payload.indexOf("\"", startIndex); String icon = payload.substring(startIndex, endIndex); // 下载天气图标 String iconUrl = "" + icon + ".png"; http.b...
To make Arduino IDE update the HTML content in this case, make a change in (e.g. adding empty line, add a comment...) Line-by-line Code Explanation The above Arduino code contains line-by-line explanation. Please read the comments in the code! The...
In this project you’ll create a standalone web server with an ESP32 that controls outputs (two LEDs) using the Arduino IDE programming environment. The web server is mobile responsive and can be accessed with any device that as a browser on the local network. We’ll show you how to ...
首先我们先动手使用Arduino IDE编译并且上传代码,上传后记得使用工具中ESP8266 SPIFFS上传工具上传SPIFFS文件夹的内容,否则应用将无法使用。你很有可能看到下面这样的画面。 FileNotFind 默认的404页面 至于为什么后面会详细说明,如果上传SPIFFS文件夹上传成功,访问你的ESP8266的IP看到的应该是这样的画面。
"icon": "images/arduino.png", "license": "SEE LICENSE IN LICENSE.txt", @@ -36,7 +36,9 @@ "*", "onCommand:arduino.verify", "onCommand:arduino.upload", "onCommand:arduino.cliUpload", "onCommand:arduino.uploadUsingProgrammer", "onCommand:arduiono.cliUploadUsingProgrammer", "onCommand...
In the IDE download folder there is a folder named 'java'. I renamed it to something different and launched the IDE - everything working ok.This is my solution for now. Being curious, I also installed the Arch Arduino 1:1.8.13-2 package using pacman package manager . I note that the...
(没有 IDE(Integrated Development Environment,集成开发环境)是用于编程、编译和...
This article is a quick getting started guide for the ESP32-CAM board. We’ll show you how to setup a video streaming web server with face recognition and detection in less than 5 minutes with Arduino IDE. Note: in this tutorial we use the example from the arduino-esp32 library. This ...
The RPI-RP2 drive is displayed in the Mac finder and I am able to drag the blink.ino.uf2 file to the drive icon. The blink program does run correctly. One odd thing about the compiler output above is the "Resetting /dev/cu.usbmodem1301" message. Apparently the IDE did detect the ...