1、将一个I2C器件连接至arduino的SDA、SCL引脚(UNO R3 连接A4、A5) 2、将如下代码烧入arduino,打开串口界面即可得到I2C设备的地址。 #include 《Wire.h》 void setup() { Wire.begin(); Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println(“nI2C Scanner”); } void loop() { byte error, address; int nDevices; Se...
接下来使用函数“LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd() 设置地址、列数和行数。地址为 0x27(使用 I2C Scanner Code 发现)。列数为 16,行数为 2。之后,我们可以使用“lcd”调用显示器。您也可以将多个 I2C LCD 与 Arduino Uno 一起使用。但为每个显示器设置不同的地址和变量。 LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2); ...
Wire.beginTransmission(82); // transmit to device #82 (0x52), you can also find this address using the i2c_scanner code, which is available onelectroniclinic.com // the address specified in the datasheet is 164 (0xa4) // but i2c adressing uses the high 7 bits so it's 82 Wire.wri...
以下是一个简单的 i2c scanner 程式:ARDUINO 代码 #include <Wire.h> #define SERIAL_BAUD57600 void...
//“ Wire.h”库允许微控制器与I2C设备通信。因此,每当您要使用I2C通信时,该库都是必不可少的。 voidsetup(){ Serial.begin(115200);while(!Serial){}//Waiting for serial connectionSerial.println(); Serial.println("Start I2C scanner ..."); ...
获取I2C地址 #include <Wire.h>voidsetup() { Serial.begin (115200);//Leonardo: wait for serial port to connectwhile(!Serial) { } Serial.println (); Serial.println ("I2C scanner. Scanning ...");bytecount =0; Wire.begin();for(bytei =8; i <120; i++) { ...
println("nI2C Scanner"); } void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: byte error, address; int nDevices; Serial.println("Scanning..."); nDevices = 0; for(address = 1; address <127; address++ ) { Wire.beginTransmission(address); error = Wire.endTransmission();...
Serial.println("--- I2C Bus Scanner Test ---"); Serial.print("starting scanning of I2C bus from "); Serial.print(start_address,DEC); Serial.print(" to "); Serial.print(end_address,DEC); Serial.println("..."); Serial.println(); ...
你好 我将两个TCA9548A进行级联以后 用端口检索程序检索不到第二片TCA9548A的地址 两片芯片没有问题 /** * TCA9548 I2CScanner.pde -- I2C bus scanner for Arduino * * Based on code c. 2009, Tod E. Kurt,http://todbot.com/blog/ *