在控制一台I2C设备之前,我们首先必须找出其十六进制地址。 因此,我们的第一个示例是I2C HEX地址扫描器。 找到I2C LCD显示器的十六进制地址后,我们将相应地控制该显示器,以通过I2C从Arduino或NodeMCU向LCD显示器发送消息。 下图显示了I2C LCD显示屏分别与Arduino Uno和NodeMCU之间的硬件连接。 下表列出了Arduino Uno和...
● 多主机(Multi-master):您可以有多个主机控制一个或多个从机。● 多从机(Multi-slave)...
Wire.begin([]);master / slave启动 Wire (由於 i2c 是用 Wire 的, 这就等同启动 i2c 了)Wire....
https://github.com/TFmini/TFmini-I2C-MasterExample_Arduino 通讯时序如下图所示: 节选代码段: #include <Wire.h> // I2C head file void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: Serial.begin(115200); // Initiate the Wire library and join the I2C bus as a master or Slave....
Wire.begin([]);master / slave启动 Wire (由於 i2c 是用 Wire 的, 这就等同启动 i2c 了)Wire....
The I2C Anything by Nick Gammon can be used to read and write variables and data that are longer than a byte in a easy way. Beside master and slave, there are also I2C sniffers. As far as I know, none of the software implementations support multi-master I2C buses. Add a custom footer...
Arduino I2C master library A better I2C master library, originally by Wayne Truchsess. Seehttp://dsscircuits.com/index.php/articles/66-arduino-i2c-master-library On most Arduino boards, SDA (data line) is on analog input pin 4, and SCL (clock line) is on analog input pin 5. On the ...
可通过另外一个Github项目中选择下载合适的Bootloader bin文件,项目链接为:STM32duino-bootloader/binaries at master · rogerclarkmelbourne/STM32duino-bootloader · GitHub。选择STM32最小系统板的除电源指示灯外的另一个LED灯所对应的接口名字相同的文件进行下载(一定要选择对应的),我的板子为PC13,所以下载这个...