通过软件提供的功能,结合Arduino UNO开发板,设计读写显示界面。当在LCD显示屏触摸控件处进行相应的操作,系统会读取设置好的存储于智能LCD显示模块中的VP地址,并把相应的VP值在显示屏上显示出来。如下图,右侧显示写入数值,左侧显示读取结果。 一、建立工程 ① 打开 RGTools 软件, 点击菜单栏建立新工程 File -...
"C:\\Users\\Administrator\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\esp32\\tools\\xtensa-esp32-elf-gcc\\1.22.0-97-gc752ad5-5.2.0/bin/xtensa-esp32-elf-size" -A "d:\\arduino\\MyHexDir/demo2_disPlay_Font.ino.elf" 项目使用了 1738618 字节,占用了 (13%) 程序存储空间。最大为 13369344 ...
pinMode(LCD_D1, OUTPUT); pinMode(LCD_D2, OUTPUT); pinMode(LCD_D3, OUTPUT); pinMode(LCD_D4, OUTPUT); pinMode(LCD_D5, OUTPUT); pinMode(LCD_D6, OUTPUT); pinMode(LCD_D7, OUTPUT); } void lcdSetReadDir(){ pinMode(LCD_D0, INPUT); pinMode(LCD_D1, INPUT); pinMode(LCD_D2...
Lastly, use a separate function to lcd.print() each line. Then in your loop() call the subroutine to update the screen. If you have some code, like a large for-loop or a lot of floating point math, you can also call the update display function there. That way the screen stays resp...
实验一百五十三:2.4寸TFT液晶触摸屏 彩屏模块 TFT-LCD 高清真彩显示屏 项目之十二:读取MCUFRIEND UNO shield上的寄存器16位或8位值序列 模块直插,引脚用法如下: LCD_CS LCD_CD LCD_WR LCD_RD LCD_RST SD_SS SD_DI SD_DO SD_SCK Arduino Uno A3 A2 A1 A0 A4 10 11 12 13 ...
The LCD Display used here is a RG1602A, you may refer to this article to understand how to use the display, https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/najad/interfacing-lcd1602-with-arduino-764ec4 All you need to do is connect the wires in the corresponding ...
* Arduino_GFX try to find the settings depends on selected board in Arduino IDE * Or you can define the display dev kit not in the board list * Defalult pin list for non display dev kit: * Arduino Nano, Micro and more: CS: 9, DC: 8, RST: 7, BL: 6 ...
From LCD wiki Product Video Product Picture Product Description Supports development boards such as Arduino UNO and Mega2560 for plug-in use without wiring 480X320 resolution, clear display, support for touch function Support 16-bit RGB 65K color display, display rich colors ...
0.91 Inch OLED Module 0.91" White Blue 128X32 LCD LED Display 0.91" IIC Communicate for ArduinoUSD 0.98/piece Module Features: 1, resolution: 128X64 2, super wide viewing angle: more than 160 ° (maximum viewing angle display a screen) 3, ultra-low power consumption: normal display 0.08W...
Model Number LCD1602 I2C LCD0802 LCD2004 LCD12864 Type Character Brand Name TZTView more DescriptionReport Item Specifications: Display Mode: LCD1602 Resolution: 16*2 Interface: IIC/I2C Compatibility: Arduino UNO R3, Mega2560 Customization: Yes Size: Standard LCD Module Features: |Arduino Mega 2560 ...