下面使用for循环实现迭代循环变量,从0开始,循环101次。为了描述方便,当i等于10时,我们就说第10次迭代。 mse = [] for i in range(0, iter + 1): dL_dw = np.mean(x*(w * x + b - y)) dL_db = np.mean(w * x + b - y) w = w - learn_rate * dL_dw b = b - learn_rate *...
for (int i = 0; i > -1; i = i + x) //定义i为0当i小于负一的时候,i的值为它自己加上X,也就是加上1,灯就依次变亮了 { analogWrite(PWMpin, i); //让PWMpin针脚的电平变为i if (i == 255) x = -1; // 当i等于最大值255的时候,把x改变为负一,这样再循环上去的时候i的值就会...
for(intx=2;x<100;x=x*1.5){ println(x); }5 生成:2,3,4,6,9,13,19,28,42,63,94 另一个例子,使用 for循环使 LED产生渐亮渐灭的效果: voidloop() { intx=1; for(inti=0;i>-1;i=i+x) { analogWrite(PWMpin,i); if(i==255)x=-1; // 在峰值转变方向 delay(10); } } 2.4 s...
for(int i=0; i<strip.numPixels(); i++) { // For each pixel in strip... if(((i >= tail) && (i <= head)) || // If between head & tail... ((tail > head) && ((i >= tail) || (i <= head))) { strip.setPixelColor(i, strip.Color(0, 0, 0, 255)); // Set...
// in steps of 1 degree myservo.write(pos); // 舵机角度写入 delay(5); // 等待转动到指定角度 } for (pos = 180; pos >= 0; pos --) { // 从180°到0° myservo.write(pos); // 舵机角度写入 delay(5); // 等待转动到指定角度 ...
for(inti = 0; i < 8; i++) {// i = row (led matrix) // sound level peakToPeak[i] = signalMaxBuff[i] - signalMinBuff[i]; // Map 1v p-p level to the max scale of the display displayPeak[i] = map(peakToPeak[i], 0, 1023, 0, maxScale); ...
voidread_input_analog(){for(int i=54;i<=NUMBER_ANALOG_INPUT_PORTS;i++){String pinNumber="A";pinNumber+=i;String message="#A";message+=i-54;message+=":";// IMPORTANT NOTE: 54 represents analog pin A0 and 64 Analog pin A11message+=analogRead(i);message+='!';Serial.println(message...
If you find this project useful, consider making a donation so that the author of this library can purchase components and modules for improvements and testing of this library. Click here to donate or use the QR code below.About MeI hold a Master's degree in Educational Technology from the...
pinMode(in4, OUTPUT); } void demoOne() { // this function will run the motors in both directions at a fixed speed // turn on motor A digitalWrite(in1, HIGH); digitalWrite(in2, LOW); // set speed to 200 out of possible range 0~255 ...