myFocuserPro是基于Arduino Nano / Uno的ASCOM和Moonlite兼容步进电机望远镜聚焦控制器(DIY)。 最受欢迎的DIY ASCOM聚焦器,下载量超过103,000。 (c)罗伯特·布朗(Robert Brown)2014-2021版权所有。 版权所有。 许可仅授予个人和学术用途。 请通过PayPal为该项目的持续发展做出贡献,并将款项发送给用户rbb1brown@...
Next steps, mount it on my printed focuser plates for my Borg and see if I can turn the helical focuser. I have printed a box for this already, so will cut off the Vin leg from the motor board and reassemble. I do need to print a case for the PSU, but I think I'll build...
You can use the ASCOM Moonlite focuser driver to control the motor. For manual control, the keys are as follows: LEFTMOST: Save the position to EEPROM. For manual control, the position is not saved. Use this key to save the position. LEFT: Move in RIGHT: Move out UP: Backlight On/...
I am attempting to build from scratch, a electric focuser for my observatory telescope. Your reply would be very much appreciated. ~ Darrel~ Reply genuis 5 years ago hi i want to use the tv remote for quadocopter can you help me by code Reply Austin Harris 5 years ago Hello,...
openfocuser:Arduino 固件 RoboFocus 兼容-开源 开源和开放硬件项目,用于使用 Arduino ( 和从打印机回收的步进电机实现望远镜电子调焦器。 上传者:weixin_42120550时间:2021-07-08 matlab开发-MotorShields matlab开发-MotorShields。电机屏蔽驱动器块 ...