Below has differing code from the above. Works the same. Arduino with LCD Display and DHT11 Temperature-Humidity Sensor In Depth Look at AC Power Control with Arduino YouTube Video for Arduino AC Power Control Four part series: Experimenting with the PCA9555 32-Bit GPIO Expander with Arduino ...
4.DHT11温度/湿度传感器 5. 任意彩色LED和1K电阻(可选)6. 面包板 7. 连接导线 工作方法...
打开~/Documents/Arduino/libraries目录,可以看到我们已经把DHT的库下载下来了: 2.2 移植到新路径 前面咱们不是改了库的路径嘛,那么我们在编译的时候肯定会显示找不到头文件: $ arduino-cli compile --fqbn esp32:esp32:nodemcu-32s DHT11_demo /Users/reus/workspace/my_work/virtual-sensor/libs/arduino/exampl...
Example code HC-SR04 with DHT11 temperature sensor and Arduino As mentioned earlier, the speed of sound strongly depends on the air temperature. If you want to measure long distances (3-4 m) it can be a good idea to add a DHT11 orDHT22temperature and humidity sensor to your setup. Thi...
See See See See Requirements This library needs to be compiled with C++11 features enabled -- any Arduino IDE later...
IMPORTANT: As of version 1.3.0 of the DHT library you will also need to install the Adafruit Unified Sensor library, which is also available in the Arduino Library Manager:Now load up the Examples→DHT→DHTtester sketchIf you're using a DHT11 sensor, comment out the line that sets the ...
Code Folders and files Latest commit tyeth Merge pull request#207from tyeth/bump-version-2023-11-14-20-34-53 Nov 15, 2023 2295fe4·Nov 15, 2023 History 148 Commits .github Update CI action versions May 12, 2023 examples Updated comment on the Pin Out of the DHTxx Sensors ...
然后,定义您正在使用的 DHT 传感器类型。如果您使用的是 DHT11,则无需更改代码上的任何内容。如果您使用的是其他传感器,只需取消注释您正在使用的传感器并注释其他传感器即可。 #define DHTTYPE DHT11 // DHT 11 //#define DHTTYPE DHT22 // DHT 22 (AM2302) //#define DHTTYPE DHT21 // DHT 21 (AM230...
不对,而且大错特错。第一,DHT11是数字式传感器,输出的是高电平/低电平,而不是模拟量,所以显然不可以用analogRead函数,这是一个读模拟量的函数。第二,你不觉得只用sensorValue一个值就能读取出温度和湿度很奇怪吗?Riachard_Zhang 富有美誉 9 先下载库,链接我应该之前发过了,如果被吞,告诉我Riachard_Zhang 富...
Hier mein jetziger code: Vielleicht gibt es hier noch eine Vereinfachung? Danke schon mal im voraus und ein schönes Osterfest. /* Laufschrift+Animation für LGB-INFO Wagen Hardware: ESP32-WROOM-DA Modul, DHT11, IR-VS1838 LED-Matrix 8x32 (4x(8x8)) Infrarotbedienung ESP32-WROOM-DA-...