adafruit/DHT-sensor-libraryPublic NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Fork1.4k Star2k master BranchesTags Code Folders and files Name Last commit message Last commit date Latest commit tyeth Merge pull request#207from tyeth/bump-version-2023-11-14-20-34-53 ...
DHTNEW(uint8_t pin) defines the datapin of the sensor. reset() might help to reset a sensor behaving badly. It does reset the library settings to default, however it does not reset the sensor in a hardware way. getType() 0 = unknown, 11 or 22. In case of 0, getType() will ...
要使用 Arduino IDE 从 DHT 传感器读取数据,您需要安装上面的DHT 传感器库。按照后续步骤安装库: 您的下载文件夹中应该有一个 .zip 文件夹 解压.zip 文件夹,你应该得到 DHT-sensor-library-master 文件夹 重命名您的文件夹从 DHT-传感器-库-master 到DHT_sensor 将DHT_sensor 文件夹移动到您的 Arduino IDE 安...
DHT-sensor-library-master.zip_Arduino DHT sensor_The Master_ardu This is an Arduino library for the DHT series of low cost temperature/humidity sensors. 上传者:weixin_42656416时间:2022-09-20 Arduino的温湿度传感器库Dht11.rar Arduino的温湿度传感器库Dht11 ...
DHT温湿度传感器源码 适用于Arduino,提供DHT.h、DHT.cpp、DHT_U.h、DHT_U.cpp等源文件及样例 DHT_sensor_library DHT温湿度传感器源码,适用于Arduino,提供DHT.h、DHT.cpp、DHT_U.h、DHT_U.cpp等源文件及样例 上传者:master336时间:2022-02-09
这个时候,把必要的库文件(Adafruit_Sensor、DHT-sensor-library)复制到C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries文件夹。 该库的下载链接: 接线: oled 的SDA接ATTINY85的P0,SCK接ATTINY85的P2,DHT11的输出端接ATTINY85的P1。其余的GND...
DHT11温湿度传感器库: MQ-2气体传感器库: DS18B20温度传感器库: BMP180气压传感器库: ...
2018-09-11Ubuntu arduino使用makeblock library it 3,打开终端,在命令行里输入sudo nautilus 输入root密码,打开文件夹 在Downloads下找到Makeblock-Libraries-master剪切到/usr/share/arduino.../libraries下, 重新命名为makeblock(否则arduino无法识别),如图1 注意: (1)把src文件夹下的所有文件剪切到makeblock下,否则...
首先在该地址下载库: 使用以下代码测试: /*** 这个程序用来测试DHT22的温湿度。 ***/#include<dht.h>dht DHT;#defineDHT22_PIN 7voidsetup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("DHT TEST PROGRAM"); Serial.print("LIBRARY VERSION...
The DHT22 sensor needs power and a single wire which I have connected to pin IO13. Step 5: Code & Libraries In order for the project to compile we need 4 libraries, the Inkplate library for the display, a library for the BMP180 sensor, a library for the DHT22 sensor and the Ardui...