pinMode( GPIO5, OUTPUT ); digitalWrite( GPIO5, HIGH ); The pre-defined pin names can be found in pins_arduino.h and included in every Arduino Wiring project, but since there will be different physical connector pins available depending on the hardware setup you are building for, we've al...
// These constants won't change. They're used to give names to the pins used:constintanalogInPin=A0;// Analog input pin that the potentiometer is attached toconstintanalogOutPin=9;// Analog output pin that the LED is attached tointsensorValue=0;// value read from the potintoutputValue...
#defineXM A2// must be an analog pin, use "An" notation!#defineYM 7//canbe a digital pin#defineXP 6// can be a digital pin#defineLCD_CS A3#defineLCD_CD A2#defineLCD_WR A1#defineLCD_RD A0#defineLCD_RESET A4/*___End of defanitions___*//*___Assign names to colors and pres...
# GPIO example using an NC-SR04 ultrasonic rangefinder # import the GPIO and time libraries import RPi.GPIO as GPIO # Set the GPIO mode to BCM mode and disable warnings GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setwarnings(False) # Define pin btnPin = 20 GPIO.setup(btnPin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down =...
//Motor 2 Direction and PWM #define m2_dir 10 #define m2_pwm 11void setup() { //Motor 1 setup pinMode(m1_dir,OUTPUT); pinMode(m1_pwm,OUTPUT);//Motor 2 setup pinMode(m2_dir,OUTPUT); pinMode(m2_pwm,OUTPUT); } void loop() {...
The compiler will throw an error if you use the digital pin number instead. If you're storing the analog pin number as a variable, you'll have to use the analog_pin_t typedef or #define#define MYPIN A3 analog_pin_t myPin = A3; analogRead(myPin);...
#define LED 2 //定义LED灯 void setup() { pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); //将LED配置为输出模式 } void loop() { digitalWrite(LED, 0); //拉低 LED 引脚电平 delay(250); //延时 250 毫秒 digitalWrite(LED, 1); //拉高 LED 引脚电平 delay(250); //延时 250 毫秒 ...
So I tested it with the blink sketch and if I said blink pin 0 it would blink pin 3 on the board/chip. So here is the other pins. pin0 = pin3 pin1 = flashing led on the nodemcu pin2 = pin4 pin3 = nothing pin4 = pin2 ...
Use the Arduino IDE to create, open, and modify sketches that define what the board will do. You can use buttons along the top of the IDE to perform these actions (shown in Figure 1-6), or you can use the menus or keyboard shortcuts (shown in Figure 1-7). The Sketch Editor area...
#define COND 1 #if COND == 0 // [MM] enable encrypting PIN protected pairing BLEDevice::setEncryptionLevel(ESP_BLE_SEC_ENCRYPT); #endif #if COND == 0 // [MM] enable encrypting PIN protected pairing BLEDevice::setEncryptionLevel(ESP_BLE_SEC_ENCRYPT);...