Learn exactly how to write the "if else" code. Find out the different ways of using it - you don't always need the 'else' part. Find out the short way of writing 'if-else' (less brackets to write). learn about the extremely cryptic, but extremely compact C conditional statement '?
1.if语句 if (x >1) { // 加入代码 } 说明:if与比较运算符结合使用,测试是否已达到某种条件。当x大于1,可以执行代码。圆括号中的语句为真,大括号中的语句就会执行。否则,程序将跳过这段代码。 2.if...else语句 if (x < 1) { // 执行A } else if (x >= 2) { // 执行B } else { // ...
else if (codeType == PANASONIC) { // 发射的信号是PANASONIC协议 irsend.sendPanasonic(codeValue, codeLen); // 发射PANASONIC协议红外指令信号 Serial.print("Sent Panasonic"); Serial.println(codeValue, HEX); } else if (codeType == JVC) { // 发射的信号是JVC协议 irsend.sendJVC(codeValue, cod...
// 2 = DMP configuration updates failed // (if it's going to break, usually the code will be 1) Serial.print(F("DMP Initialization failed (code ")); Serial.print(devStatus); Serial.println(F(")")); } } void loop() { // if programming failed, don't try to do anything if (...
void Code2() { if((millis()-time2)>5) //当编码器码盘的OUTA脉冲信号下跳沿每中断一次, count2 += 1; // 编码器码盘计数加一 time2==millis(); } 最后看看两张图,一个是小车的安装图,另一张是小车用的锂电池。至于小车用到的DFRobot Mini Encoder Kit编码器套件的详细介绍,请看文章: ...
飞扬code关注IP属地: 辽宁 0.4692019.07.18 08:04:20字数 1,674阅读 1,749 控制语句 if if...else for switch case while do...while break continue return goto if 用于与比较运算符结合使用,测试是否已达到某些条件,例如一个输入数据在某个范围之外。使用格式如下: ...
void loop() { delay(100); if ( S1() ) digitalWrite(LED1, 1); else digitalWrite(LED1, 0); } Test 1 Note: true = 1; false = 0. Or should I say any value except 0 is TRUE. Note the code above. An "if" statement has the general form of: if (condition) light_led1; els...
这里就直接放上max7219.h、max7219.cpp文件。另存后压缩为压缩包,再进行库文件的安装。 【另存为:max7219.h】 #ifndef max7219_h#define max7219_h#if (ARDUINO >= 100)#include<Arduino.h>#else#include<WProgram.h>#endif//MAX7219#define REG_DECODE 0x09#define REG_INTENSITY 0x0a#define REG_SCAN_LIMI...
//code to run } }; 或者通过createThread和lambda函数 Thread* myThread = createThread(priority, period, offset, []() { //code to run }); 线程对象在创建时自动连接到ThreadHandler。 要开始执行创建的线程对象,可以调用: ThreadHandler::getInstance()->enableThreadExecution(); ...