Serial.println("Ready"); //Test the serial monitor } void loop(){ for(int i=0;i<10;i...
使用时,将pH传感器接到板载BNC接口,将板载PH2.0接口连接到Arduino控制器的模拟口,通过程序控制,您可以非常方便的测量溶液的pH值。 传感器的电极采用玻璃电极和参比电极组合在一起的塑壳不可填充式复合电极,是PH计测量元件,用来测量水溶液中的氢离子活度,即PH值。 该传感器附带黑色厚实包装盒,内附黑色优质海绵垫,不仅...
int pHArrayIndex=0; void setup(void) { pinMode(LED,OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println("pH meter experiment!"); //Test the serial monitor } void loop(void) { static unsigned long samplingTime = millis(); static unsigned long printTime = millis(); static float pHValue,vol...
使用时,将pH传感器接到板载BNC接口,将板载PH2.0接口连接到Arduino控制器的模拟口,通过程序控制,您可以非常方便的测量溶液的pH值。 工业在线pH复合电极采用低阻抗敏感玻璃膜制成,能应用于各种条件的pH测量,具有回应快,热稳定性好的特点:有良好的再现性,不易水解,基本消除了碱误差,在0至14pH范围内呈线性电位值,Ag...
int pHArrayIndex=0; void setup(void) { pinMode(LED,OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println("pH meter experiment!"); //Test the serial monitor } void loop(void) { static unsigned long samplingTime = millis(); static unsigned long printTime = millis(); ...
Modify the code to fit your system. **Type in a command in the serial monitor and the Atlas Scientific product will respond.** **The data from the Atlas Scientific product will come out on the serial monitor.** Code efficacy was NOT considered, this is a demo only. ...
Arduino Water Quality Monitoring System: This guide will show you how to build, program, and deploy an environmental monitoring system that can monitor the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Temperature, pH, and Turbidity of a body of water and record the dat
The data can be sent from the Arduino serial monitor, or another program like Processing (see code below), Flash (via a serial-net proxy), PD, or Max/MSP. The circuit: * LED connected from digital pin 13 to ground created 2006
This project is used to design & develop a system with a low cost to monitor the quality of water in real-time. In this project, IoT and Arduino play a key role to measure chemical as well as physical parameters within the water like pH, temperature, and turbidity. ...
HOW-TO Use the ARDUINO SERIAL MONITOR: The Arduino IDE has a feature that can be a great help in debugging sketches or controlling Arduino from your computer's keyboard. The Serial Monitor is a separate pop-up window that acts as a separate terminal