with open(filename,'r') as file: content = file.read() return content.split(' ') def convertFromMusicToArduino(filename): notes = loadMusicFile(filename) print(notes) musicData = [] for n in notes: if len(n) == 0: continue; dataThis = 0x80 if n[0] == '1': dataThis +=...
themes2.h 包含音符信息和音符时长 /** The themes given below were converted from the piano sheet music* Code by :*///###**"HE IS A PIRATE" Theme song of Pirates of caribbean**###//intPirates_note[] = {NOTE_D4, NOTE_D4, NOTE_D4, NOTE_D4, NOTE_D4, NOTE_D4, NOTE_D4,...
Code 演奏小星星大家都会啦,这里放一曲我很喜欢的CLANNAD的**《潮鸣》**的段落代码,算作这一次小项目的礼物~(~~▽~)~ /** * 使用Buzzer演奏潮鸣 * @author Mr.Bubbles * 1=C */ #include "music_note.c" //音符表 int buzzer=3; //蜂鸣器口,PWM int scale[]={G,A,EE,A,G,A,G,A,EE,A...
for (int i = 0; i < (sizeof(music1) / sizeof(music1[0])); i++) { tone(Buzzer, music1[i]); //驱动蜂鸣器 delay(music1_delay[i] * 500); //节拍实现 noTone(Buzzer); //停止蜂鸣器 } } /***小蜜蜂***/ void little_Bee() { //频谱 int little_Bee[] = { M5, M3, M3,...
pinMode(11,OUTPUT);//for light } voidloop(){ // no need to repeat the melody. ColorLight();//Turn on the lights play();//Play the music. delay(300);//Pause for a while. } // notes in the melody: intmelody[]={ NOTE_G4,//5 ...
How to Make LEDs Flash to Music With an Arduino: This is a guide to make an LED flashing circuit that "beats" to an mp3 file on your computer, which can add an awesome effect to any sound-related device, or even your room (if you extend the concept with
This title, in contrast, is not for dummies: it is targeted at musicians and the musically inclined who already have some experience in both C code and homebrew "make"-style hardware tooling. The book is somewhat divided into three parts. The first contains nine chapters centered on musical ...
Instrument definitions from Adlib and The Fat Man are included in the library for both 2-op OPL3 and 4-op OPL3. Play exported OPL2 music (DRO, IMF, VGM) or Reality Adlib Tracker music files Use the board as a MIDI synthesizer (Teensy++ 2.0 and later example included) ...
pinMode(11,OUTPUT);//for light } voidloop() { // no need to repeat the melody. ColorLight();//Turn on the lights play();//Play the music. delay(300);//Pause for a while. } // notes in the melody: intmelody[] = {
It is not something that you would want to use for all types of music, but on some material the effect is quite impressive–much deeper-sounding bass from a small woofer. After creating this program in SigmaStudio, we simply compile it and export the design files. The data in these files...