Enabled SMS to be sent to MASTER USER when power is restored to device. I am using an Arduino Uno with a programming shield to program the unit. For more information on how to use an Arduino Uno as a programmer, refer to this Instructable: Arduino UNO As AtMega328P Programmer The GSM ...
1. Validate the cable configuration I have provided a breakdown of color-coded wires to pin connections for the Arduino in a PDF document. Please note that some cables (particularly USB-C) may use different colors so in order to be certain it's best to use a multimeter to test each conn...
Assemble the circuit according to the schematic above. I've included a couple images to help you identify the correct pins on the Arduino and on the MIDI plug (I always have a hard time with those). I suggest assembling the thing on breadboard before soldering everything to perfboard, to...
. However as the sensor seems to need warmup and heating the schematic is not as simple as a analog temp sensor... Anyway, in the sketch you want to read the analog value from that pin. I also assume you want to use the Xbees to send the sensor value to a PC. For that check ...
Assemble the sensor on the Arduino using the schematic and the photos. Download the sketch to the Arduino. Configure the OpenHAB using the configuration text file attached. Test. The water probe can just be wires coming from the prototype shield. You can use any long wire needed to reach ...
Following the circuit schematic build your circuit and find a project enclosure for it. I drilled a few holes for the joystick and for the potmeter then glued everything inside the box. In my opinion this looks pretty good. It is a nice little controller with a very long range. You can...