只需使用 USB 数据线将其连接到您的计算机,然后使用 Arduino IDE 打开“BluetoothCar.ino”文件。确保“工具”选项卡上的选项与上图中的选项相同,并且您选择了正确的 COM 端口。点击“上传”,一切顺利! 第4 步:蓝牙应用程序 1 / 2 是时候试试我们的电路和程序是否按预期工作了。我使用MIT App Inventor制作了...
Arduino无线蓝牙小车(中)Arduino Robot Car Wireless Control using HC-05 Bluetooth, NRF24L 1172 0 2018-12-26 10:46:03 您当前的浏览器不支持 HTML5 播放器 请更换浏览器再试试哦~8 4 28 8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3e4sASuxNYU 知识 校园学习 机器人 人工智能 免费 steam教育 青少年编程 ...
Arduino无线蓝牙小车(中)Arduino Robot Car Wireless Control using HC-05 Bluetooth, NRF24L 1147 0 2018-12-26 10:46:03 您当前的浏览器不支持 HTML5 播放器 请更换浏览器再试试哦~7 4 26 8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3e4sASuxNYU 机器人 人工智能 知识 校园学习 免费 steam教育 青少年编程 ...
DIY Arduino Bluetooth Controlled Car: Hello friends! My name is Nikolas, I am 15 years old and I live in Athens, Greece. Today I will show you how to make a 2-Wheel Bluetooth Controlled Car using an Arduino Nano, a 3D printer and some simple electronic
Adding function to control the speed of car (seeArduino - DC motortutorial). The provided code controls car with full speed. Video Tutorial We are considering to make the video tutorials. If you think the video tutorials are essential, please subscribe to ourYouTube channelto give us motivatio...
Bluetooth-Controlled Car 在这个遥控汽车项目中,借助蓝牙和Arduino进行缩放。你可以用手机远程操作。 它最适合具有一些先前Arduino经验的用户,因为您需要能够自信地进行所有电路连接,但对于那些刚刚获得轴承并正在寻找更具挑战性的项目的人来说,它仍然是一个很好的垫脚石。
069-bluetooth 070 Jul 11, 2018 070-processing 070-086 Jul 17, 2018 071-processing_to_arduino 070 Jul 11, 2018 072-i2c 070-086 Jul 17, 2018 073-slavei2c 070-086 Jul 17, 2018 074-i2c-tx-master 070-086 Jul 17, 2018 075-LCD-i2c 070-086 Jul 17, 2018 ...
Bluetoothhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXs7S048eIo Infra red transmitter/receiver project:https://youtu.be/2n13NzbhTMI Relay control of 120 ACVhttp://www.circuitbasics.com/setting-up-a-5v-relay-on-the-arduino/ Relay control of 120 ACV, with thermistor (temperature sensor)http://www.cir...
Likee there is a button start the car, when you touch on the button the mobile application send a character ‘A’. Now, the device in Arduino Bluetooth rc car will get this character. and send it to the Microcontroller. we code this microcontroller like if the device get ‘A’ then the...
–Learn all about components like ultrasonic sensors, motor drivers and bluetooth/wifi/gsm modules –Understand how to prototype electronics projects and become a confident maker and prototyper –One of the projects you will learn all is an Arduino online weather station that connects to the internet...