Blink without Delay Turns on and off a light emitting diode (LED) connected to a digital pin, without using the delay() function. This means that other code can run at the same time without being interrupted by the LED code. The circuit: - Use the onboard LED. - Note: Most Arduinos...
UNO板上标有L的LED。这段测试代码就是让这个LED灯闪烁。 插上USB线,打开Arduino IDE后,找到“Blink”代码。 通常,写完一段代码后,我们都需要校验一下,看看代码有没有错误。点击“校验”。 下图显示了正在校验中。 校验完毕! 由于是样例代码,所以校验不会有错误,不过在以后写代码的过程中,输入完代码,都需要校验...
以上code通过 if defined宏定义兼容两种开发板的板载LED PIN口,无需改代码 六、编译、烧录 点击“→”箭头,开始编译、烧录 首次烧录可能会慢一点,烧录成功会显示如下信息 烧录器会自动从flash引导,不出意外你的核心板上的小蓝灯将在一分钟之内开始 blink了 附上烧录的视频...
打开ArduinoBlink.ino草图,请访问: File→Examples → 01.Basics → Blink Blink.ino /*Blink Turns on an LED onforone second,then offforone second,repeatedly.Most Arduinos have an on-board LED you can control.On the UNO,MEGAandZERO itisattached to digital pin13,on MKR1000 on pin6.LED_BUILT...
Blink Turns on an LED on for one second, then off for one second, repeatedly. This example code is in the public domain. */ 复制代码 这是代码中的说明文字,可以叫做注释。用"/*…*/",这个符号之间的内容将不被编译器编译。注释在代码中是非常有用的,它可以帮助你理解代码。IDE也将自动把注释的...
以下代码用 millis()函数来闪烁LED灯,如果开发板开始运行,会返回微秒的数值 /* Blink without Delay Turns on and off a light emitting diode (LED) connected to a digital pin, without using the delay() function. This means that other code
五)blink程序 Blink示例程序如下: /* Blink Turns on an LED on for one second,then off for one second,repeatedly. This example code is in the public do main. */ //Pin13 has an LED connected on most Arduino boards. //give it a name: ...
This example code is in the public domain. */// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the boardvoidsetup(){// initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output.pinMode(LED_BUILTIN,OUTPUT);}// the loop function runs over and...
Arduino IDE提供了很多内建的范例,可以在开发板上直接编译、上传和运行。这里,我们以“Blink”为例进行第一次尝试。打开 “File” -> “Examples” -> “01.Basics” -> “Blink”:板载 RGB LED,预设“LED_BUILTIN”为绿色。将“LED_BUILTIN”更改为“LED_R”、“LED_G”或“LED_B”以获得红色、绿色...