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这里将运行Windows的PC、Surface、或者Windows Phone统称为上位机,我们可以使用以下三种方法中的任意一种来完成上位机的环境设置: Download the Windows Remote Arduino Experience app from the Microsoft Store Install the NuGet package Manually add the Windows Remote Arduino project files to a new Visual Studio ...
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arduino 1.8.10 for windows 免安装版,解压即用,只限个人学习之用 上传者:weixin_38815609时间:2019-05-04 arduino-1.8.13-已安装ESP32.zip 已经安装好的ESP32库,原安装目录压缩打包。解压进去找到arduino.exe即可 上传者:wuxiaoluo时间:2021-01-22
1.http://ms-iot.github.io/content/en-US/win10/WRA.htm 2.Download the Windows Remote Arduino Experience app from the Microsoft Store 3.Install the NuGet package 4.Manually add the Windows Remote Arduino project files to a new Visual Studio solution ...
1.http://ms-iot.github.io/content/en-US/win10/WRA.htm 2.Download the Windows Remote Arduino Experience app from the Microsoft Store 3.Install the NuGet package 4.Manually add the Windows Remote Arduino project files to a new Visual Studio solution ...
程序出错Arduino:1.8.5 (Windows 10), 开发板:"Arduino/Genuino Uno" In file included from C:\Users\10189\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_modi 分享6赞 arduino吧 雾觞 求解,arduino1.8.9编译WeMos D1R1时出错arduino1.8.9安装ESP8266库,并配合Blinker库编译时提示WeMos D1R1时出错,新建程序也会报错,XP系统...
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Arduino IDE, free and safe download. Arduino IDE latest version: A simple programming tool for beginners. Arduino IDE is a hassle-free, simple, and st
(1)GPIO控制(模拟和数字) Digital Write Digital Read Analog Write Analog Read Setting the pin mode for any pin Receive events when values change / are reported. (2)I2C接口通信 (3)Firmata用户自定义协议 2.上位机环境准备 . Download the Windows Remote Arduino Experience app from the Microsoft Stor...