the hexapod has 6 legs but in addition to that, it also has a tail or abdomen, a head, antennas, mandibles and even functional eyes. All of this, makes the hexapod look like an ant, so therefore we can also call it an Arduino Ant Robot. ...
Arduino Ant Hexapod Robot You can watch the following video or read the written tutorial below. It has additional information and examples for the sensor, including specifications, pinouts, wiring diagrams, codes and more. HC-SR04 Hardware Overview The HC-SR04 is an affordable and easy to use d...
The ant also has built-in ultrasonic sensor in the head. With that it can detect objects in front, and it can even strike if the object is present if front of it. Difficulty: Advanced Link: Arduino Ant Hexapod Robot CNC Machines Arduino Projects The following projects show how capable ...
Arduino Ant Hexapod Robot You can watch the following video or read the written tutorial below. It has additional information and examples for the sensor, including specifications, pinouts, wiring diagrams, codes and more. HC-SR04 Hardware Overview The HC-SR04 is an affordable and easy to use d...