1、酷炫的外形和自带skill,比如Explore,可以吸引极客玩家对机器人的兴趣,也让任何零基础的玩家操控HEXA来一段越野探险。 2、简单易用的HEXA Simulator,可以让不太懂编程的用户,通过所见即所得的方式编写和组合各种HEXA的新动作,实现相关的功能。对于培养青少年的编程、机械制造兴趣,也是非常好的。 3、完整的HEXA Mind...
我们实习使用的树莓派Pico开发板由此进入 New Raspberry Pi Pico Project - Wokwi Simulatorwokwi.com/projects/new/pi-pico 录制了一个视频展示RPI Pico的闪灯测试:树莓派pico的闪灯测试在线仿真 - 知乎 (zhihu.com)。 Online Arduino and ESP32 Simulator Online Arduino and ESP32 Simulatorwokwi.com/ ...
Wokwi is an online simulator for Arduino, Raspberry Pi Pico, and ESP32 boards, or even your own custom microcontroller board designed to learn programming without the actual hardware. My girlfriend’s daughter has just attended afree 5-day online course about AI, IoT, ESP32, MicroPython, and...
Next on the list is Proteus, a simple Arduino simulator that is quite known in the market because of its vast services. First and foremost, this tool is compatible with Linux and Windows and backed up by a very active community. This tool allows users to interact between software on a mic...
Someone gave me anAzure IoT DevKit, and it was lovely timing as I'm continuing to learn about IoT. As you may know, I've done a number of Arduino and Raspberry Pi projects, and plugged them into various and sundry clouds, including AWS, Azure, as well as higher-level hobbyist systems...
A library to interface with Cirque Glidepoint circle trackpads on the Arduino, Linux (with python bindings), and RPi Pico SDK Platforms. linuxraspberry-piarduinotrackpadpython3cirqueplatformio-arduinopico-sdkplatformio-library UpdatedSep 23, 2024 ...
The complete interface, contains the 13 outputs of the Arduino (not including the 0 and 1, which are used for serial communication), and the 6 analog inputs. Connections and configuration is very simple: The Raspberry Pi or our PC is connected via USB to the Arduino board on which we lo...
Deploying and managing infrastructure(on the Raspberry Pi) Hardware development(with Arduino) 3D printing and modeling PCB development 📫 How to reach me:UnsignedArduino@outlook.comorUnsignedArduinoon theMakeCode Forums. 😄 Pronouns: He ⚡ Fun fact: Block coding is cool when the project has ov...
Either for convenience or to ensure the project works before implementing it or even buying the components, a simulator is an extremely welcome (and useful) tool, especially if it’s just right there, in your browser. With that said,Wokwi.com’s Arduino Playground is here to help you!
Linux Nativex86 / ARM / RISC-VRaspberry Pi GPIO SimulatorWindows, macOS, LinuxDesktop OS All supported boardsAll platformsAll boards Marlin Support The Issue Queue is reserved for Bug Reports and Feature Requests. Please use the following resources for help with configuration and troubleshooting: ...