This example shows you how to read analog input from the physical world using a potentiometer. Apotentiometeris a simple mechanical device that provides a varying amount of resistance when its shaft is turned. By passing voltage through a potentiometer and into an analog input on your board, it...
/*Analog InputDemonstrates analog input by reading an analog sensor on analog pin 0 andturning on and off a light emittingdiode(LED) connected to digital pin 13.The amount of time the LED will be on and off depends on the value obtainedby analogRead().The circuit:- potentiometercenter pin ...
示例名称为 AnalogReadSerial,专注于串口模拟读取。该示例从针脚 0 读取模拟输入,并将结果打印到串口监视器。若未连接开发板,执行代码会报错。正确连接电位器至针脚 A0,外侧针脚至 +5V 和接地,便能完成示例的硬件搭建。代码示例位于公共域。示例代码分为设置函数(setup)和循环函数(loop)两部分。在...
sensorValue = Arduino.analogRead(analogPort) data= (sensorValue/1023.)*powervoltage*100ifjson ==1: f = open(CURRENTDIR +"/json.html") html = html = html.replace("%Temperature%",str(data))printhtmlreturnhtmlelse: f = open(CURRENTDIR +"/temp.html") ...
printTime=millis(); tempSampleTime=millis(); } void loop() { /* Every once in a while,sample the analog value and calculate the average. */ if(millis()-AnalogSampleTime>=AnalogSampleInterval) { AnalogSampleTime=millis(); // subtract the last reading: ...
5. 模拟信号输入分辨率: analogSetWidth(bit); 6. 模拟信号输出 (基于LEDC) LEDC是基于PWM调制实现模拟输出的. 与arduino uno主板不同, ESP32的PWM模拟是一个个通道 共16个, 通道可以映射到引脚上. 引脚就可以输出PWM信号了. 6.1 设置通道 ledcSetup(channel,freq,bit_num) ...
There is a difference between the implementations of ADC1 and 2. ADC1 can be read any time by ADC1_get_raw and the results do no need to be qualified. ADC2 adc2_get_raw returns one of four possible values: ESP_OK, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT and ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG....
25.1.15 Serial.readBytesUntil() 25.1.16 Serial.setTimeout() 25.1.17 Serial.write() 25.1.18 Serial.SerialEvent() 25.2 Stream 二十六、USB(仅适用于 Leonardo和 Due) 26.1 Mouse(键盘) 26.2 Keyboard(鼠标) 以下是示例部分含详细注解 结构部分 ...
25.1.15 Serial.readBytesUntil() 25.1.16 Serial.setTimeout() 25.1.17 Serial.write() 25.1.18 Serial.SerialEvent() 25.2 Stream 二十六、 USB(仅适用于 Leonardo 和 Due) 26.1 Mouse(键盘) 26.2 Keyboard(鼠标)1 结构部分 1.1 setup() 一、结构 ...