calculatePower() function, 215, 216 constants, 214 data log file, 227, 228 data.txt file, 227 displayPower() function, 216 loop() function, 227 SD library, 223–227 setup() and loop() functions, 215 source code, 212–214 energy monitor hardware, 203 AC/AC adapter, 204 current and ...
Perfect for connecting a PC to your Metro, Feather, Raspberry Pi or other dev-board or microcontroller Approximately 3 feet / 1 meter long Add to Cart, USB cable - USB A to Micro-B - 3 foot long $2.95 In stock Adafruit Pro Trinket - 3V 12MHz Product ID: 2010 Deprecation ...
In addition, we will build an Arduino OLED Temperature and Humidity Meter using an OLED and an I2C temperature and humidity sensor.Read More » Experiments with the RCWL-0516 - Doppler Radar Distance Sensor The RCWL-0156 is an inexpensive yet useful proximity sensor that can be used on its...
Sticking my multi meter directly up the USB port in the desktop gives me 5.11V. You need 6.5V or so to get the on-board regulator working properly. If you power the board from an external power supply of 7 to 12 V on the VIN pin, the onboard regulator would be used and you may...
Simple 3 Phase Arduino Energy Meter: Since writing up instructions on how to build a simple Arduino home energy meter which measured the energy consumption for a single phase, I’ve had a number of people ask about modifying it to be a 3 phase energy met
DC/AC secondary relay - like SLA-05VDC-SL-C (240V/30A) mechanical relay Additional MAX31855 board with K-type thermocouple for housing temperature measuring Coil power meter - 30A/1V. This is contact less power meter that generates small current when energy flows inside it's coil. Mine alre...
Laser Power Meter DIY PCB All about Arduino PWM frequencies Smallest ESC based on ARDUINO Debug Arduino and ESP with PlatformIO Homemade Best Two Hand Multimeter with Arduino Homemade Baby White Noise Generator Measure AC RMS with Arduino
Acclerometer 153, -1084, 16117 Gyroscope 13, -23, 10 1. 2. 将这些除以死区常数并从当前偏移量中减去它会产生 IMU 的新偏移量: ax_offset -917 ay_offset 3192 az_offset 1469 gx_offset -13 gy_offset 23 gz_offset -9 1. 2. 3.
Let's make a temperature meter! Background Information: What is Protocol Signal (I2C) Protocol signal: the protocol signal we use is I2C, so here is a brief introduction to I2C. I2C bus just needs two wires in the transmission of information connection between the devices: the SDA (Serial...