kodiadd-onsardmediathekzdf UpdatedJul 28, 2024 Python rols1/Kodi-Addon-ARDundZDF Star47 Code Issues Pull requests Kodi Addon für die Mediatheken von ARD + ZDF, Live-TV, Live-Radio, Radio-Podcasts / ARD-Audiothek, Downloads. Forum kodinerds:https://www.kodinerds.net/index.php/Thread/64...
line 715, in extract ie_result = self._real_extract(url) File "/usr/local/bin/yt-dlp/yt_dlp/extractor/ard.py", line 595, in _real_extract player_page = self._download_json( File "/usr/local/bin/yt-dlp/yt_dlp/extractor/common.py", line 1069, in ...
Since 2001, the second public service channel in Germany, ZDF, offers its so called Mediathek, which is an online-portal for productions of the corporation, offering programs of recent months, live-streams, archives with programs on demand and online-first-programs. It was relaunched in ...
Bin bei dem günstigen TV-GERÄT absolut zufrieden mit der Qualität. Leider bekomme ich keine Mediatheken angezeigt, wenn ich unter Samsung APPS suche. Gibt es hier Insiederwissen? Habe gesucht, aber nix gefunden. save UHD 0 Likes Antworten 1 Lösung saveman168 Journeyman am 12...
('id', 'display_id') page_data = self._download_json( f'https://api.ardmediathek.de/page-gateway/pages/ard/item/{video_id}', video_id, query={ 'embedded': 'false', 'mcV6': 'true', }) player_data = traverse_obj( page_data, ('widgets', lambda _, v: v['type']...