Note:[added] You can view more graphs on the WUWT Sea Ice Page: The title was corrected shortly after publication to remove a repeated word (have) and fix a spelling error. George, IMO Mike is referring to the situation of the A...
Because of a very interesting discussion in the comment section of the lastSIE update, I've decided to report some more on the area and extent figures. Although it deserves a blog post of its own, I unfortunately lack the skills and time to produce the necessary graphs. But some of the ...
Ever since theEnd Zone-seriesI've been focussing a lot on PIPS ice displacement arrows and atmospheric patterns in general, but I mustn't forget about temperatures, both air and sea surface. Especially the latter could extend the melt season some more days, the former of course being dependent...
These graphs are a combination of multiple snowpit site locations. Fig. 8 Time series of parameters for the entire season. This figure gives an overview of the published datasets on Pangaea covering the entire season and collected on all three central observatories (CO1, CO2 and CO3). One ...
The following graphs show the data for 75 – 90 degrees N latitude (1930 – 2007). Left: average of all available HadCRU grids (14 grids), Right: average of all GHCN stations with data extending after 2000 (7 stations). The two data sets are similar showing for the high Arctic that ...
The Arctic’s rapid sea ice decline may influence global weather patterns, making the understanding of Arctic weather variability (WV) vital for accurate weather forecasting and analyzing extreme weather events. Quantifying this WV and its impacts under human-induced climate change remains a challenge....
The Canadian Ice Service website has plenty of graphs showing this. The overall decrease in Arctic ice, as visible in the WUWT reference pages, has been mainly caused by the Gulf Stream pushing farther and farther northeast of Scandinavia and Russia, not by changes north of North America. ...
Nice graphs Jim! ;-) Kevin, the spiral lines in fig1 are the contours of averaged months in fig2, moving from back to front, or what you see in the animation when the graph rotates. CBD, re sharp angles.. the lines are virtual, because they can't exist - halfway between Jan 2012...
The pair of graphs below tell the story of the fate of sea ice in theShelfregion. At left, both ECCO and data show decreases in sea-ice area beginning around 2007, just like theGyreregion described above. But that doesn't mean the same thing is happening on theShelf. ...
Artful Dodger, aka Lodger, sent me some great images that show the Transpolar Drift Stream kicking into action and transporting a huge collection of ice floes towards Fram Strait, something we have discussed earlier in the blog post Breaking away from the pack, following Jon Torrance's speculati...