Arctic Monkeys have shared “Warp Speed Chic,” a new documentary capturing the creation of their new album Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino. The short film, directed by Ben Chappell, also includes tour footage. Watch the 12-minute video below. Along with the doc, Arctic Monkeys have announced...
Arctic Monkeys have shared a new music video for their The Car track “Sculpture of Anything Goes.” The new visual was directed by Ben Chappell and edited by Matt Cronin. The clip was shot predominantly during the band’s recent Australian and South American tour. Check it out below. The...
Last night the Arctic Monkeys performed The Beatles “All My Loving” at Madison Square Garden in recognition of the 50th Anniversary of The Beatles appearance on “The Ed Sullivan Show.”Not a bad rendition, but they really needed to pick up the beat a bit....
1/30/2023 by Jeremy Kay ScreenDailyArctic Monkeys’ Matt Helders says the band would be ‘interested’ in writing a Bond theme Arctic Monkeys drummer Matt Helders says the band would be “interested” in writing a James Bond theme song.Helders was discussing the Sheffield band’s seventh st...
1/30/2023 by Jeremy Kay ScreenDailyArctic Monkeys’ Matt Helders says the band would be ‘interested’ in writing a Bond theme Arctic Monkeys drummer Matt Helders says the band would be “interested” in writing a James Bond theme song.Helders was discussing the Sheffield band’s seventh st...