ARCTIC Liquid Freezer II 420 A-RGB - Multi-Compatible All-in-one CPU AIO Water Cooler with A-RGB, efficient PWM-Controlled Pump, Fan Speed: 200-1900 RPM, LGA1700 Compatible - Black Warranty & Returns Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information Warranty Please contact the Seller directly for...
刚刚,大名鼎鼎的硅脂、散热器大厂瑞士宣布,召回部分存在缺陷的 Liquid Freezer II 水冷散热器。 据了解,这些问题水冷的冷头的胶垫会硫化(材质不行),从而导致这些橡胶残渣堵塞在水冷头的导热槽中,进而影响性能。 值得一提的是,这个问题不会一开始就有,是个很缓慢的过程。该水冷是从 2021 年 5 月开卖的,好在AC...
For the Liquid Freezer II series, ARCTIC has incorporated an in-house developed PWM-controlled pump with a copper bottom plate. At low loads, the pump reduces rotational speed, thereby lowering power consumption. The 40mm fan on the pump provides consistent cooling for the motherboard voltage con...
LIQUID FREEZER II有別普遍一體式水冷會使用厚冷排,而為免風扇影響散熱表現,它們預先安裝屬Arctic Cooling的P系列,特色是使用增強風壓設計,有助空氣穿透冷排鱗片從而有更佳散熱效果。 有別普遍AIO一體式水冷使用厚冷排。 Arctic Cooling P12風扇擁有風壓增強設計。 Core i9-9900K負載低至72度 為測試LIQUID FREEZER II ...
My i9 13900ks has been giving me bsod, freezing windows or auto closing programs every time I tried either cinebench, XTU, furmark or even just rendering with cpu on cycles on blender or rendering on UE5.What temporarily fixed or somewhat helped was trying to manually set v...
ARCTIC liquid Freezer III 360 ARGB一体式水冷散热器支持LGA1700/AM5 Freezer III 420 ARGB图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
ARCTIC COOLING Liquid Freezer III - 420 A-RGB (Black): All-in-One CPU Water Cooler with 420mm radiator and 3x P14 PWM PST A-RGB fan, compatible Intel LGA1700, 1851 and AMD AM4, AM5 - Black color MXN$3,274.67 + MXN$1,107.30 ShippingAdd to cart O...
其中最基础的240黑色版本价格为61.35欧元(约477元人民币),而最昂贵的420白色A-RGB版本价格为97.49欧元(约758元人民币)。 总体而言,这款Liquid Freezer III一体式CPU水冷散热器在性能、噪音和设计等方面都进行了优化升级,为用户提供更好的使用体验。
ARCTIC是一家瑞士散热器制造商,旗下的显卡、CPU散热器虽然量不多,但个顶个的牛。也许一些值友就用过MX-4和MX-2硅脂,其强悍的性能在业内已经是各家评测的官标。近日ARCTIC宣布带来他们的AIO一体式水冷散热器Liquid Freezer 120和Liquid Freezer 240,也是其旗下第一款和第二款水冷散热器,售价71.99 / 92.99英镑(...