I wasn’t the only one chasing sunsets. I met aGerman walking across the world. He is just finishing a circle around Australia after spending the pandemic here.I last cycled past him crossing Khardung La– the highest motorable road in the world in the Himalayas. In Croydon I ran into th...
The Arctic Google Maps of the Arctic ⇣ The Arctic, a vast and enigmatic region, spans the northernmost parts of Asia, North America, and Europe, encircling the frigid waters of the Arctic Ocean. This unique geographical arrangement creates a circle of
Hi all! I am a new forum member located in north of Sweden above the arctic circle in a town named Gällivare! I have always been in to cars and been building models since the childhood. Since I have turned 32 and got my own kids I have started with mo
Thus, while the overall equator-to-pole temperature gradient reduces, the thermal gradient actually increases at the land-ocean boundary around the Arctic circle. This situation favors the formation of the Arctic front jet at ~70° N in addition to the sub-tropical jet which is normally present...
Importantly, the earlier occurrence of an ice-free Arctic in September becomes evident even in the SSP1-2.6 low emission scenario in all observations (circle marks in Fig. 4e). It is also found that an ice-free Arctic before 2100 occurs in other months (Fig. 4e–h). There are clear ...
Derivation of name: krug is Russian for ‘circle’, alluding to the arctic polar circle; it is also a German word meaning ‘jug’. Differential diagnosis: Differs from all other species assigned to this genus in its larger size (all forewings ~ 21 mm long). Autapomorphies: slightly ...
Thus, while the overall equator-to-pole temperature gradient reduces, the thermal gradient actually increases at the land-ocean boundary around the Arctic circle. This situation favors the formation of the Arctic front jet at ~70° N in addition to the sub-tropical jet which is normally present...
(Placename) the ocean surrounding the North Pole, north of the Arctic Circle. Area: about 14 100 000 sq km (5 440 000 sq miles) Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011,...
Article Google Scholar Koenigk T, Berg P, Döscher R (2015) Arctic climate change in an ensemble of regional CORDEX simulations. Polar Res 34:24603. doi:10.3402/polar.v34.24603 Kuiper NH (1960) Tests concerning random points on a circle. Indagat Math Proc 63:38–47. doi:10.1016/S1...
2). When integrated over the larger area north of the Arctic circle, our simulated marine NPP (551 Tg C yr−1) is not significantly different from the remote-sensing-based NPP estimate of 540 ± 25 Tg C yr−1 for the same years6 (Table 2; Fig. 3a, c). Moreover, ...