import arcpyimport os #指定工作目录,即存放影像的目录arcpy.env.workspace = r"E:\arcpyData\shanxi\N34_N35" #指定该工作空间下的一副影像为基础影像,为后面的参数提取做准备base = "ASTGTM2_N34E109_dem.tif" #以下一段代码是为执行拼接做参数准备out_coor_system = arcpy.Describe(base).spatialReference...
近期在做一个数据处理项目时,写总结报告需要把GDB库体的数据库结构给写进去,本着 “偷懒” 的原则,花时间写了个ArcPy脚本,几分钟就搞定了(主要用到了arcpy库和xlwt库),在这里记录一...
I am trying to automatize the rebuild of file geodatabase indexes using arcpy v10.6, but I encounter an ERROR 000837 The workspace is not the correct workspace type. Why? Does arcpy.RebuildIndexes_management() works only with Enterprise geodatabases? Then, how to rebuild indexes in...
Import the necessary module. import arcpy from arcpy import env from import * Specify the desired workspace. arcpy.env.workspace = r"<location_path>\<name>.gdb" arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = r"<location_path>\<name>.gdb" Print the list of available raster files in the folder. ra...
答案 Yes, it is possible to use the ArcPy library on a Linux operating system, given that either ArcGIS for Server or ArcGIS Engine are installed. This automatically installs the ArcPy site package. However, the ArcPy library is not available as a stand-alone Python installation in Linux pr...
To update values in a feature class within a geodatabase using acrpy, we can use an Update Cursor. Using an Update Cursor You can use an arcpy.da.UpdateCursor to iterate through the rows of your feature class and update specific fields. Here is an example: import arcpy # Set the ...
Geodatabases are commonly used to store spatial data, and arcpy is a Python module used to work with geospatial data in ArcGIS. One of the fundamental tasks in working with geodatabases is to list features and objects contained within them. This allows you to get a better understanding of...
Solved: I would like to add a path to default database in Arcpy script. The path will be a place where the results from evaluation will be saved. However, I do not
You would like to be able to interrogate your file geodatabase datasets using SQL (instead of Python-based interface such as Esri arcpy or open-source ogr) You are an ArcGIS user that does not want to have QGIS Desktop installed just to be able to execute SQL against a file geodatabase...
(base).bandCount #获取bandCount #打印一些信息print out_coor_system.nameprint dataTypeprint piexl_typeprint cellwidthprint bandcount arcpy.CheckOutExtension("Spatial") #提取待拼接影像的文件名,且中间以;隔开,例如:a.tif;b.tif;c.tifrasters = []for ras in arcpy.ListRasters("*dem.tif"): #...