PostgreSQL中创建要素类需要执行”create enterprise geodatabase” 问:用Arcmap在PostgreSQL中创建要素类需要执行"create enterprise geodatabase"吗? 关于这个问题,是在为新员工做postgresql培训后触发的。我要求他们使用arcmap在postgresql中创建要素类,他们大多数解题思路走错了。思路错了这其实不要紧,要紧的是,我发现...
The Enterprise geodatabase that will have its connection property altered. The connection properties specified in the Enterprise Geodatabase must be the geodatabase administrator. accept_connections(Boolean): Boolean value indicating if the geodatabase will accept connections (True) or will not accept...
Die Toolbox "ArcGIS Indoors" enthält Werkzeuge zum Hinzufügen von Datasets, Feature-Classes, Tabellen und Konfigurationen für das Hosting vonArcGIS Indoors-Daten in einer Geodatabase. Linear Referencing( Organisationen, die Daten über lineare Features erheben, wie Autobahnen, Stra...
Here is another example of running tools. This example uses tools in the data management and conversion toolboxes. A field is added to the input streets feature class, the field is calculated, and the feature class is then loaded into an enterprise geodatabase. importarcpy arcpy.AddField_mana...
I am converting a arcpy.InsertCursor in arcpy.da.InsertCursor How does this line works in arcpy.da.InsertCursor row = rows.newRow() # Create insert cursor for table rows = arcpy.InsertCursor("c:/base/data.gdb/roads_lut") # Create 25 new rows. Set the initial row ID and distance va...
in future scripts. This book would probably not be super great for someone trying to learn from the ground up but if you have some basic understanding its great, especially for the less obvious tools. (The things you can do that can't be found in ArcToolbox) It turned out to be ...
I have two questions about my code below. For the insertcursor portion it took 45 minutes to insert 542 rows into a table (not a featureclass table). That seems way
Die Toolbox "ArcGIS Indoors" enthält Werkzeuge zum Hinzufügen von Datasets, Feature-Classes, Tabellen und Konfigurationen für das Hosting von ArcGIS Indoors-Daten in einer Geodatabase. Linear Referencing ( Organisationen, die Daten über lineare Features erheben, wie Autobahnen, Stra...
Die Toolbox "ArcGIS Indoors" enthält Werkzeuge zum Hinzufügen von Datasets, Feature-Classes, Tabellen und Konfigurationen für das Hosting vonArcGIS Indoors-Daten in einer Geodatabase. Linear Referencing( Organisationen, die Daten über lineare Features erheben, wie Autobahnen, Stra...
A file geodatabase would be done in under a minute (I did 121K inserts into a fgdb fc in 19 minutes even with the print statements left in the insert loop when I tested my code. Without the print statements the code finished 121K inserts in about 13 seconds). Get t...