PostgreSQL中创建要素类需要执行”create enterprise geodatabase” 问:用Arcmap在PostgreSQL中创建要素类需要执行"create enterprise geodatabase"吗? 关于这个问题,是在为新员工做postgresql培训后触发的。我要求他们使用arcmap在postgresql中创建要素类,他们大多数解题思路走错了。思路错了这其实不要紧,要紧的是,我发现...
The Enterprise geodatabase that will have its connection property altered. The connection properties specified in the Enterprise Geodatabase must be the geodatabase administrator. accept_connections(Boolean): Boolean value indicating if the geodatabase will accept connections (True) or will not accept...
Here is another example of running tools. This example uses tools in the data management and conversion toolboxes. A field is added to the input streets feature class, the field is calculated, and the feature class is then loaded into an enterprise geodatabase. importarcpy arcpy.AddField_mana...
CreateGeocodeSDDraft CreateGPSDDraft CreateImageSDDraft CreateRandomValueGenerator 常规 CreateScratchName 常规数据函数 CreateSQLiteDatabase 工作空间 CreateUniqueName 常规数据函数 Describe 描述数据 DisconnectUser 地理数据库管理 Exists 常规数据函数 FromWKB ...
在目录窗口中,浏览至 ArcGIS Desktop 安装目录中的 TemplateData 文件夹。该文件夹通常位于 C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop<Version>(32 位操作系统)。 在目录窗口中,将 TemplateData.gdb 复制并粘贴到您在上一步骤中所创建的 USA 文件夹: 此已注册文件夹应与下图类似: 注:...
Die Toolbox "ArcGIS Indoors" enthält Werkzeuge zum Hinzufügen von Datasets, Feature-Classes, Tabellen und Konfigurationen für das Hosting vonArcGIS Indoors-Daten in einer Geodatabase. Linear Referencing( Organisationen, die Daten über lineare Features erheben, wie Autobahnen, Stra...
python enterprise arcgis gis desktop raster polygon compress esri arcpy geodatabase Updated Apr 11, 2018 Python jrpaul / GIS_Tools Star 1 Code Issues Pull requests A collection of GIS tools created for various tasks. gis arcpy arcgis-pro land-management Updated Oct 16, 2020 Python johanne...
importarcpyimportosimportuuid# Input WebMap jsonWeb_Map_as_JSON = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)# The template location in the server data storetemplateMxd =r"\\MyComputer\MyDataStore\BasicTutorial\v103\WorldTopo_103Templatev2_288k_to_1k.mxd"# Convert the WebMap to a ...
path # if it is an enterprise database connection, you can get the connection string like this if item.type == 'egdb': print( # else if a folder, print(server path elif item.type == 'folder': print( print('\n') User and Role Stores ...
To answer your last questions, we are using SQL Server on a versioned enterprise database. And using edit.startEditing(Boolean,Boolean) combinations did not affect the insertCursor performance. The documentation indicates some overrides depending on the DB environment. My script will r...