result2 = arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(pointGeometryList, out_points) out_points = result2.getOutput(0) arcpy.AddGeometryAttributes_management(out_points,'POINT_X_Y_Z_M')# Create Thiessen polygon based on the point featureresult3 = arcpy.CreateThiessenPolygons_analysis(out_points, out_polygons...
getOutput(0) arcpy.AddGeometryAttributes_management(out_points, 'POINT_X_Y_Z_M') # Create Thiessen polygon based on the point feature result3 = arcpy.CreateThiessenPolygons_analysis(out_points, out_polygons, 'ALL') out_polygons = result3.getOutput(0) return out_points, out_polygons ..., inLocUniqueID,"!"+ pointsOID +"!","PYTHON_9.3")except: arcpy.AddError("Unable to add or calculate new unique ID field. Please fix your data or choose a different unique ID field.")raiseCustomErrorreturninLocUniqueID 开发者ID:Esri,项目名称:publi...
The tool is used to precalculate the network locations of inputs that will be used in a Network Analyst workflow, improving performance of the analysis at solve time. The tool stores the calculated network locations of the inputs in fields in the input data. CreateNetworkDataset Creates a ...
enableTime({startTimeField}, {endTimeField}, {autoCalculateTimeRange}, {timeDimension}) extrusion({extrusion_type}, {expression}) getDefinition(cim_version) getSelectionSet() listDefinitionQueries({wildcard}) listLabelClasses({wildcard}) listLayers({wildcard}) ...
Native OGR SQL does not provide any spatial SQL functions to calculate the distances between features, get their boundaries, and so on. You would need to use SQLite dialect for this. You can choose what SQL dialect to use before executing the query. To learn more about these two SQL ...
The vertical offset used to calculate where the center of the area of interest (display view) is when you click an arrow button on theViewpointdialog box. These values are calculated in the units of the spatial reference system of the mosaic dataset. This is applicable only for theClosest ...
The horizontal offset used to calculate where the center of the area of interest (display view) is when you click an arrow button on the Viewpoint dialog box. These values are calculated in the units of the spatial reference system of the mosaic dataset. This is applicable only for the Clo...
arcpy.AddGeometryAttributes_management(out_points,'POINT_X_Y_Z_M')# Create Thiessen polygon based on the point featureresult3 = arcpy.CreateThiessenPolygons_analysis(out_points, out_polygons,'ALL') out_polygons = result3.getOutput(0)returnout_points, out_polygons ...
The horizontal offset used to calculate where the center of the area of interest (display view) is when you click an arrow button on the Viewpoint dialog box. These values are calculated in the units of the spatial reference system of the mosaic dataset. This is applicable only for the Clo...