I imported a map from ArcGis into ArcPro and when I export to a pdf it wont let me print them i get a message saying cannot extract the embedded font 'ESRIDefaultMarker' Some characters may not display or print correctly. Is this an Adobe problem or Arcpro problem? Please help... TOP...
| Community ) 2 posts | 2 taggers | First used: 07-03-2017 Latest Tagged Arcade Labeling Mapping Questions byAnonymous Useron04-03-201809:55 AMLatest post on09-23-201910:10 AMbyXanderBakker 5Replies 5071Views ArcPro 2.0 Export to PDF - odd lines ...
Set the symbology, data, layout and the PDF Export properties Refer to this article,How To: Reduce the size of PDFs exported from ArcMap, for suggestions on how to reduce the size of PDFs exported from ArcMap that are also applicable to ArcGIS Pro. Generalize and simplify features Use th...
Use the same process to export PDFs for each of the remaining four layouts. Make the layer visible that matches the name of the layouts and accept the name of each layout for the PDF file name. Refer to Table 1 below to select the visible layer for each layout. When all layouts are ...
Como solução alternativa, exporte o arquivo RLF do ArcMap para um formato de arquivo suportado pelo ArcGIS Pro, por exemplo, um arquivo PDF. Baixe e abra o arquivo PDF no ArcGIS Pro. Consulte ArcMap: Exportando um relatório para etapas sobre fazer isto. Nota: Consulte ...
I imported a map from ArcGis into ArcPro and when I export to a pdf it wont let me print them i get a message saying cannot extract the embedded font 'ESRIDefaultMarker' Some characters may not display or print correctly. Is this an Adobe problem or Arcpro problem? Please help... TOP...