The object IDs of parcel lines, parcel polygons, points, control points, and plans in the ArcMap parcel fabric are transferred to the OriginalFeatureOID field in the corresponding ArcGIS Pro parcel fabric feature classes. If global IDs exist for a parcel feature class in an ArcMap parcel fabr...
importarcpyfromarcpyimportenvarcpy.CheckOutExtension('3D')env.workspace='C:/data'arcpy.LocateLasPointsByProximity_3d('lidar.lasd','powerlines.shp',search_radius="10 Feet",count_field="Near_Pts",out_features="located_pts.shp") Exemple 2 d’utilisation de l’outil LocateLasPointsByProximi...
It converts the basic data types in ArcGIS (points, lines, polylines and polygons) into 3D geometry in Rhino and makes them available as attached metadata in Rhino. We played with a few experimental projects like: Generative Urban Design: Find the "optimal" location for a new park/outdoor...