Hi there, I'm looking for help on fixing an error while trying to add a new feature class into an existing feature dataset called Province. Error in Arc Catalog
Shapefile属于一种矢量图形格式,它能够保存几何图形的位置及相关属性。该种文件格式是由多个文件组成的:.shp - 用于保存元素的几何实体。.shx - 用于保存几何实体索引。.dbf - 数据库,用于保存关于元素的属性信息。
When using ArcMap to open an annotation feature class created in ArcGIS Pro, the following error message is returned: Error: Error opening feature class Unable to create object class extension COM component [annotation feature class name] Cause This is a known limitation. Annotation feature classes...
但在内容表里右击图层打开该featureclass的属性表,是有记录的,双击属性表中的某条记录是可以定位到该条记录的,并显示出该条要素被选中了。 原因:不清楚。 解决过程:将该featureclass导出为shp,将shp加载到ArcMap中是可以正常显示和查询属性的。 用check geometry和repair geometry检查和修复该shp,再将该shp导入到...
解决过程:将该featureclass导出为shp,将shp加载到ArcMap中是可以正常显示和查询属性的。 用check geometry和repair geometry检查和修复该shp,再将该shp导入到geodatabase,发现导入后的featureclass加载到ArcMap中仍然无法完全的正常显示也无法Identity属性。 在geodatabase中新建一个featureclass,字段定义选择从修复过的shp...
In ArcGIS Pro, editing a feature class with versioned data returns the following error message:Error: Move failed: This data is currently locked by another user and cannot be saved.In ArcMap, editing
ArcGIS, the termrouterefers to any linear feature, such as a city street, highway, river, or pipe, that has a unique identifier and a common measurement system along each linear feature. A collection of routes with a common measurement system can be built on a line feature class as ...
Error: Geometric network feature class inside basemap layer Error: Parcel fabric layer inside basemap layer Error: Parcel fabric feature class inside basemap layer Error: Joined table inside basemap layer Error: Terrain layer inside basemap layer Error: Layer shares data source with ...
First used: 11-15-2022 Latest Tagged Representation based on attribute value in GDB fea... ArcMap Questions byStanislavaVon09-04-202401:58 AMLatest post on09-04-202405:22 AMbyStanislavaV 2Replies 237Views Polygon feature class not displaying all values, l... ...