The Batch Copy Paste tool allows you to copy and paste an entire selection set of features from different feature classes into their respective feature templates in the edit workspace. This enhances the original copy and paste functionality by allowing you to paste into multiple templates...
您可在网络分析类之间复制和粘贴网络分析对象。“复制”和“粘贴”操作既可在同一网络分析图层中进行,也可在不同图层之间进行。例如,您可能要将 OD 成本矩阵中的起点和终点复制到停靠点类中以便生成最短路径行车路线。您还可能要在路径分析中将服务区分析中得到的面复制到成本经过调整的面障碍中。 ...
Copy and paste selected features. Click where you want a copy of the feature to be pasted, or drag a box into which the features will be scaled and pasted. esriEditor.CopyFeaturesTool Command Fillet Editor_FilletTool Advanced Edit Tools {D84AF5AA-1E86-441A-BEC3-A300A0484E71} no...
6.1.4现有图层删除数据 (1) 将需要删除数据的图层加载到arcmap,并进入地图编辑状态(2) 照中的选定要素方式,选定需要删除的数据(3) 单击删除按钮,或点右键选择“Delete”,如图2.49图 2.496.1.5复制和粘贴数据(1) 方法:选定要素,用按钮复制按钮、粘贴按钮和剪切按钮,或用右键菜单中的“Copy”和“Paste”选项(...
(1) 将需要删除数据的图层加载到arcmap,并进入地图编辑状态(2) 照6.1.1中的选定要素方式,选定需要删除的数据推荐精选(3) 单击删除按钮,或点右键选择“Delete”,如图2.49图 2.496.1.5复制和粘贴数据(1) 方法:选定要素,用按钮复制按钮、粘贴按钮和剪切按钮,或用右键菜单中的“Copy”和“Paste”选项(如图2.50),...
CommandCopyEdit_CopyEdit{A33D9405-7ED5-11D0-8D7C-0080C7A4557D} esriArcMapUI.EditCopyCommandnoneEdit_MenuCopy the selected element(s) CommandPasteEdit_PasteEdit{A33D9407-7ED5-11D0-8D7C-0080C7A4557D} esriArcMapUI.EditPasteCommandnoneEdit_MenuPaste the clipboard contents into your map ...
For the third layer copy and paste the second layer and choose a slightly darker shade of green (R174, G199, B167). For this layer change the angle to 125 degrees to create a hatch pattern along with the second layer (figure 3). ...
cut-切割 copy-复制 paste-粘贴 delete-删除 undo-撤销 redo-重做 add data-添加数据 editor toolbar-编辑器工具栏 Arc catalog-ArcGIS目录 show /hideArctoolbox window-显示/隐藏ArcGIS工具箱窗口 show /hide command line window-显示/隐藏命令行窗口 start modelbuilder-启动模型生成器 what's this-这是什么...
开始编辑 打开ArcMap添加数据 或者打开一个地图文件使用编辑工具栏可见开始一个编辑对话 编辑工具栏介绍 Editandcreateshapes分界和旋转 选择要素 属性草图属性 Move/Split/Divide Createfeaturesfromotherfeatures 捕捉编辑选项 Generaleditingoptions显示精度 捕捉容差Stickymovetolerance Showing...
Copy data to your database Copy the trees, villages, and streets feature classes from the tree_maintenance file geodatabase and paste them into your database. Open the sample data folder. Double-click the tree_maintenance geodatabase to connect to it. If you are working...