关于Plasma K..关于Plasma KDE桌面本地配置主题包的方法楼主刚入Linux阵营,选择的Arch + KDE照着wiki 安装倒是很快就成功了,但是在后面sddm和KDE美化过程中碰到了很多问题,其中最烦的就是
Display managers: GDM, SDDM, Lightdm, lxdm Graphics controller: intel, nvidia and amd with optionally early KMS start. With intel optionally fastboot, hardware video acceleration and framebuffer compression. Bootloader: GRUB, rEFInd, systemd-boot, efistub Custom shell: bash, zsh, dash, fish WPA ...
Display managers: GDM, SDDM, Lightdm, lxdm Graphics controller: intel, nvidia and amd with optionally early KMS start. With intel optionally fastboot, hardware video acceleration and framebuffer compression. Bootloader: GRUB, rEFInd, systemd-boot, efistub ...
Display managers: GDM, SDDM, Lightdm, lxdm Graphics controller: intel, nvidia and amd with optionally early KMS start. With intel optionally fastboot, hardware video acceleration and framebuffer compression. Bootloader: GRUB, rEFInd, systemd-boot, efistub ...