Overall perinatal mortality rates have fallen considerably in the past several decades but fetal deaths have not decreased as rapidly as the neonatal portion. In 2009, two-third of the stillbirths in the world occurred in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa and 55% stillbirths occurred in rural ...
Area of Expertise: Reproductive Phisiology Jian-guo Jiang China Areas of Expertise: Food and Bioengineering and cancer Ricardo Maccioni Chile Areas of Expertise: Celluar and Molecular Medicine, Alzheimer Disease Alejandro E. Macias Mexico Area of Expertise: Infectious Diseases ...
To mark the release of the much anticipated 11th edition of the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine (OHCM), Oxford University Press spoke with the three new authors of this edition: Peter Hateley, a GP based in New Zealand; Dearbhla Kelly, a Critical Care Medicine fellow in Oxford; and Ia...
Amaan Arif, Prekshi Garg and Prachi Srivastava* Published on: 18th April, 2024 Artificial Intelligence (AI) combined with Synthetic Biology has the potential to change the way we approach medicine, agriculture, and manufacturing. AI automates tasks, optimizes experimental designs, and predicts biolog...
HIV-positive people can easily be screened for TB; if they are infected, they can be given prophylactic treatment to prevent development of the disease or curative drugs if they already have the disease. TB patients can be offered an HIV test; indeed, research shows that TB patients are ...
About Archives of Medicine Journal Impact Factor: 1.0*; ICV: 84.60 Archives of Medicine (ISSN: 1989-5216) aim to publish research papers, reviews and short communication in the areas of medical research. This is a quality controlled, peer-reviewed, open access INTERNATIONAL journal. Archives of...
Health focuses on exposures or health outcomes associated with the occupational or ambient environment, and has special interest in research at the interface of occupational health and clinical medicine, research from high to low-middle income countries, and research of vulnerable or underserved ...
Intensive care unit tracheostomy: A snapshot of UK practice Intensive care unit tracheostomy: a snapshot of UK practice. International Archives of Medicine 2008; 1: 21.Veenith T, Ganeshamoorthy S, Standley T, ... T Veenith,S Ganeshamoorthy,T Standley,... - 《International Archives of ...
Open science is what we aspire. We publish Open Access journals that foster science by ensuring efficient dissemination of accepted content and offering equal opportunity for all authors to publish their research.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation近几年影响因子整体来看稳中有进,2015年至2020年影响因子均为2-3分左右,2020年已经非常接近4分,2021年突破4分了,2021年影响因子为4.06,目前即时因子为3.35,预计明年影响因子继续保持4分+! 2022年最新 分区 中科院分区 2022年12月 大类学科:医学 1区Top 小类学科:...